Dark Matter and Dark Energy

Dark Matter and Dark Energy


The Physicalists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Classical Physicists, Behaviorists, Determinists, Physical Reductionists, and Atheists have NO scientific explanation for Invisible Non-Physical Matter or Dark Matter or Spirit Matter, Dark Energy or Syntropy, Near-Death Experiences, Out-of-Body Experiences, After-Death Memories during Life Reviews, Invisible Non-Physical Forces and Fields such as Psyche, the Quantum Zeno Effect, Teleportation or Quantum Tunneling, and Action at a Distance such as Telepathy and Telekinesis.

How do they explain these things scientifically?

Their “scientific explanation” for Psyche, Dark Mater, Dark Energy, Syntropy, Non-Physical Invisible Forces and Fields, Quantum Mechanisms, Supernatural Mechanics, and Action at a Distance is to state that these things DO NOT EXIST.  How does the “non-existence of Quantum Mechanics” explain all the science behind Quantum Mechanics?  It doesn’t!  It can’t!  The “non-existence of Psyche” does NOT explain what it is and how it works.  Materialists and Scientific Naturalists have NO scientific explanation for all the different invisible non-physical forces and fields that we have encountered throughout our lives; but, the Quantum Physicists certainly do, if they are willing to use it.

Dark Energy is a type of Syntropy.  Energy in any form is conserved.  Syntropy is the conservation of energy.  Dark Energy is an invisible non-physical force or field.  Energy can be made to take on many different FORMS.  Spirit matter is a form of organized energy.  Spirit matter or dark matter is a type of organized Energy or organized Syntropy.  Physical Matter is a form of organized energy that has had even greater restrictions and limitations placed upon it, in order to keep it from quantum tunneling away from us at will.

It’s fascinating to observe and study the psychology of the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Behaviorists, Determinists, and Atheists.  They are in denial most of their lives; and, they suffer gravely from selective amnesia.  They are motivated by their extreme desire to keep God and His Commandments out of their lives; and, they get their wish.  However, it results in a great deal of hypocrisy and inconsistency, especially when it comes to their science.

For example, these people can typically accept the existence of gravity, even though they can’t see gravity with their own eyes.  Nobody has ever seen gravity with their physical eyes; but, we KNOW that it exists by the effect that it has on physical matter.  They can accept gravity, but they refuse to accept other invisible non-physical forces and fields that they don’t like and don’t want to exist such as God’s Psyche, the Human Psyche, Spirit Matter, and the Light of Christ or the Zero-Point Field of Light.  These people are selective about which of the invisible non-physical forces and fields that they will accept.  They consistently reject the non-physical forces and fields that prove that God exists, that prove that there will be some type of after-life, and that prove that there will be some type of Final Judgment.  These people are afraid of the knowledge that someday God will judge them for their sins and call them to account.

Selectively accepting the existence of certain invisible non-physical forces and fields while at the same time selectively rejecting others that they don’t like is called insincerity, pretense, two-facedness, falseness, deception, hypocrisy, and duplicity.  It’s a double standard!  Yet, these people have the audacity to call it “science”.  These people literally call their “rejection of observational evidence” and their “rejection of experiential evidence” Science.

What other invisible non-physical forces and fields are these people willing to accept in the name of science?

Have you ever played with a magnet?  Nobody can see magnetic waves or quantum waves with their physical eyes; but, we KNOW that they exist by the effect that they have on physical matter.  Have you ever seen the wind?  NO!  Technically, you have never seen the wind with your physical eyes.  However, you have definitely seen the effect that wind has on physical matter.

Have you ever seen the strong and weak nuclear forces?  No, you have not.  But, we KNOW that they exist by the effect that they have on physical matter.  Have you ever seen a Psyche or a Spirit?  Some have while out-of-body or in-the-spirit; but, technically it is physically impossible to see a Psyche or a Spirit with your physical eyes.  Just because you can’t see it with your physical eyes doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist.  The Materialists and Naturalists don’t make any significant scientific discoveries because they conclude a priori before doing any actual science that if you can’t see it with your physical eyes, then it doesn’t exist.

I have looked at pond water under a microscope, and the little buggers do indeed exist; but, I can’t see them with the naked eye.

Visible light is an infinitesimally small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum; and, there are many different types of light, energy, or quantum waves besides the electromagnetic variety.  Energy or Syntropy can be made to take on many different FORMS, including different types of light!

The visible spectrum is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eye.  Electromagnetic radiation in this range of wavelengths is called visible light or simply light.  A typical human eye will respond to wavelengths from about 390 to 700 nm.



Just because you can’t see radio waves, microwaves, x-rays, and gamma rays with your physical eyes, that reality doesn’t mean that they don’t exist.

Furthermore, there are many different types of waves or “light” that are NOT on the electromagnetic spectrum.  There are quantum waves.  Thoughts and memories are quantum waves.  We KNOW because thoughts and memories survive the death of our physical body and physical brain according to the empirical evidence from Near-Death Experiences (NDEs), Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs), Shared-Death Experiences (SDEs), and our after-death Life Reviews.  If a thought or memory survives the death of your physical brain, then it’s truly a memory in every sense of the word.

Thanks to Quantum Superposition, many different types of quantum waves (energy or light) and matter can exist in the same space at the same time as long as they are out-of-phase with each other.  That’s how your physical body, spirit body, and psyche are able to exist in the same space at the same time – they are out of phase with each other.  It works thanks to Quantum Superposition.  This means that radio waves, visible light, microwaves, x-rays, magnetism, psyche, quantum waves, spirit matter, physical matter, and psyche can ALL exist at the same time in the same space because they exist at different frequencies and many of them are also out-of-phase with each other.  That’s why an fMRI machine doesn’t scramble your memories or your thoughts – they are out-of-phase with each other.

Nobody has ever seen Dark Matter and Dark Energy with their physical eyes.  Dark matter is a type of spirit matter.  There are many different types and frequencies of spirit matter.  Dark Energy like Gravity is a type of quantum wave – an invisible non-physical force or a field.  Dark Energy and Gravity are a different type of energy or light.  Just because we can’t see it with our physical eyes doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist.  We KNOW that Dark Energy, Dark Matter, and Gravity exist by the effects that they have on physical matter.  Energy is Syntropy.  Most of the time we can’t see Energy or Syntropy with our physical eyes; but, we know that it exists because of the effects that it has on physical matter.

The very existence of these supernatural forces, fields, invisible wavelengths of light, quantum waves, quantum mechanisms, psyche, intelligence, consciousness, spirit matter, dark matter, dark energy, gravity, magnetism, and wind FALSIFIES the claims of Materialism, Naturalism, Behaviorism, Determinism, and Atheism which claim that these different types of invisible, non-physical, supernatural forces, fields, waves, energy, and light DO NOT EXIST.

However, EVERYTHING FALSIFIES Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism – even physical matter.  Physical matter is also composed of a lot of different types of invisible energy, forces, fields, waves, mass, and light.  Physicist David Bohm has told us that physical matter is frozen light.  What happens when you freeze water?  It converts into ice.  What happens when you freeze invisible light?  It converts into physical matter and becomes visible to your physical eyes.  Everything falsifies Materialism and Naturalism, including physical matter.

Scientific Observations:  Anything that was obviously made obviously has a Maker or Manufacturer who made it.  Anything that was obviously organized obviously has an Organizer who organized it.  Anything that was obviously fine-tuned obviously has a Fine-Tuner who fine-tuned it.  Anything that obviously began, obviously has Someone Psyche or Someone Intelligent who caused it to begin.  The truthfulness of these scientific observations is obvious.

Scientific Observations:  Physical matter obviously had a beginning.  Physical matter was obviously made.  The Physical Constants, Physical Laws, Physical Restrictions, and Physical Limitations have obviously been fine-tuned.  The physical galaxies were obviously organized.  Physical stars and physical planets obviously began and were obviously organized or made.  Physical genomes and functional proteins were obviously made and obviously had a beginning.  They have obviously been fine-tuned.

Scientific Conclusion:  Therefore, it is logical and rational to conclude that physical matter, physical universes, physical galaxies, physical stars, physical planets, physical genomes, physical brains, and physical bodies obviously have a Maker, Organizer, Fine-Tuner, Someone Psyche, and Someone Intelligent who made them, organized them, fine-tuned them, and caused them to begin.

That’s what the Science is trying to tell us, is it not?  The “doing of science” requires some kind of intelligent psyche or intelligent person to do that Science – does it not?  Otherwise, nothing would ever get done.  Science is observation and experience – NOT the wishful thinking of Materialists and Naturalists who assure us that the science or the observations do not exist.  Science in general, and Psychology in particular, have infinitely more explanatory by choosing to include Psyche into the mix.  By choosing to allow Psyche and Quantum Mechanics in to play, we can literally explain everything that comes our way.

The Big Bang Theory is in dispute.  Raw Energy or Available Energy is “matter unorganized” or “potential matter”.  A pre-existing energy universe, that was subsequently organized into physical galaxies and that is now currently expanding thanks to an ongoing infusion of Dark Energy from some other dimension, can explain the observational evidence just as well as the Big Bang Theory.  It’s very possible that the Big Bang didn’t happen.  Most of the scientists are willing to admit that the Big Bang has NO explanatory power when it comes Time 0 or the Origin of our Physical Universe.  The Big Bang Theory simply explains what might have happened AFTER the organization or creation of physical matter, time, space, entropy, and locality.

Scientists have observed that our physical universe is expanding under the influence of Dark Energy.  The galaxies furthest away are moving away from us the fastest.  At the furthest reaches of the observable universe, space is expanding faster than the speed-of-light.  Such a huge universe-wide expansion would require a massive infusion of dark energy at a universal scale.  That energy has to be coming from some other dimension besides our physical universe because our physical universe is actually losing available energy to entropy.  Energy is always conserved; and, it’s as if the energy that’s being “lost” through entropy is being fed back to us as dark energy.  Currently, our universe is gaining infinitely more from dark energy than what it is “losing” to entropy.

Scientists have observed that our physical universe is expanding.  So, they rationally take that expansion and run it backwards in time.  Then, they take a leap of faith and keep reversing that expansion and keep running it backwards until they have our whole universe residing in a single point that they call the Big Bang Singularity.  Now, think about this process logically and rationally.  While rewinding everything and moving backwards in time towards that hypothetical Big Bang Singularity, YOU CAN STOP anywhere along the way and still produce the same results that we see today when you start running the clock forward again.  In other words, you don’t have to run the clock all the way back to the Big Bang Singularity and still end up with the expanding universe that we see around us today.  You could just as easily and more logically run the clock back to the time where the Gods started making physical matter, planets, stars, and galaxies from Raw Energy or Available Energy; and, it would still produce the same observable universe that we have today as long as the Gods start infusing huge amounts of dark energy on a universal scale somewhere along the way.  The Big Bang Singularity is unnecessary to produce what we see today.  You can stop your rewind anywhere along the way and still produce the results that we see around us today.  Remember, you don’t have to rewind it all the way to produce the results that we see today.

So, what about the cosmic background radiation?

Well, the scientists have proven that it is impossible to reach absolute zero at the physical level due to Quantum Mechanics or Energy Mechanics.  Through the process of making planets, stars, and galaxies from Raw Energy or Available Energy, it’s going to leave its mark on the “absolute zero” of space.  There’s always going to be some residual heat or radiation because absolute zero is impossible to achieve at the physical level.

Absolute Cold



The quantum fields that fill our universe also fluctuate due to the uncertainty principle resulting in what we know as vacuum energy; and, some quantum fields have an intrinsic non-zero zero-point energy before bringing Heisenberg into it.  This leads to the famous Higgs mechanism and possibly also the phenomena of inflation and dark energy.  To understand the universe, we need to understand how it behaves absent heat, absent light, and absent matter.

Furthermore, the Science tells us that the production of hydrogen molecules is what produced the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation in the first place.  That’s when the CMB began, when the Gods produced physical matter from energy or formed physical matter from energy.  Therefore, all you have to do is rewind the expansion of our universe back to the point where the Gods made or produced the physical matter in the first place, and you automatically end up with the cosmic background radiation that we see today when you start running the clock forward again.  You don’t have to run the clock backwards all the way to a Big Bang Singularity in order to have the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation that we see today.  You just have to rewind our universe to the point where the Gods started making physical matter out of Raw Energy or Available Energy.

I love science.  There is always more than one way to explain what we observe.

Many scientists believe that the Big Bang Singularity was a huge black hole.  I’m sorry to inform you, but it would take a God to make a black hole explode.  Black holes were definitely designed not to explode.  They can evaporate, but not explode.




The Big Bang Theory is successfully falsified by the Horizon Problem, and by the “fix” to the Horizon Problem which they call Inflation.  It would take some kind of God to start and stop Inflation on a universal scale.  Would it not?  To solve the Flatness Problem requires Fine-Tuning by the Hand of God.  As I see it, the Big Bang Singularity would have had to have been a White Hole – a complete and total reversal of entropy – Pure Syntropy.  It would take a God to make such a thing.





The Big Bang Theory breaks parsimony.  It’s anything but simple.  It violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics with a massive reversal of entropy or a massive infusion of syntropy at the beginning of the process and/or throughout the process.  Only a God could reverse entropy.  Only a God could infuse Syntropy or Dark Energy into the system at a universal scale.

Furthermore, if the newborn universe was dense enough to form stars and primordial black holes, then it would have been dense enough to collapse back into a black hole.  It would take a God to make something that dense to begin with; and, it would take massive amounts of intervention from God to prevent the newborn universe from collapsing into a black hole.  It would take a God to finely tune and drive the inflation and then the subsequent expansion.  It would take a God to force portions of that expanding cloud of hydrogen and helium to coalesce into planets, stars, and galaxies.


There are NO Population III stars comprised ONLY of Hydrogen and Helium; and, they should exist in ALL sizes and in great abundance if the Big Bang truly happened.  Add to that the FACT that expanding clouds of hydrogen and helium gas are NEVER going to coalesce into planets and stars without some kind of direct intervention from God; and, I’m left with the feeling that the Big Bang never happened.

However, if you choose to believe that the Big Bang happened (and most scientists do), then you have to believe in God anyway, because Someone Psyche or Someone Intelligent was needed to form the bomb and then make it go bang.  Furthermore, Someone Psyche or Someone Powerful was needed to drive inflation, stop inflation, and then billions of years later start and drive the accelerating expansion of our physical universe through massive infusions of Dark Energy from some other dimension.  Someone Psyche or God-Like is needed to keep varying the Cosmological Constant or the amount of Dark Energy on a universal scale, and to control the timing of it all.  It would take a God to vary the Cosmological Constant at a universal scale for Inflation and Universal Expansion, would it not?

If the Big Bang truly happened, then it is Scientific Proof of God’s Existence.  Someone Psyche has to be driving the bus.  God had to make the Big Bang Singularity, and God had to trigger it and make it go bang.  Anything that was obviously made obviously has a Maker who made it.  The Big Bang Singularity, if it ever existed, was obviously made.  It’s not going to spring into existence from nothing through a random fluctuation in entropy.  That would violate the First Law of Thermodynamics.  Furthermore, the only reason we have Laws is because we have a Law Maker.  God’s Psyche is needed to explain why there is something rather than nothing.  Creation Ex Nihilo, or creation from nothing by Nothing, can never explain why there is Dark Energy filling our universe rather than concrete filling our universe.  You are going to have to think logically about this stuff if you are ever going to figure out how it works.

Raw Energy is unorganized matter.  From my perspective, it is clear and obvious that our observable physical universe received a massive infusion of Syntropy, or a massive infusion of Energy, or a massive Organization 13.8 billion years ago, which would represent the beginning of our physical universe as it currently exists.  There had to be a massive infusion of Syntropy 13.8 billion years ago or some kind of infusion of Physical Law 13.8 billion years ago, or all of that subsequent entropy and physical organization would not have been possible.

Whether we are talking about the Big Bang or the Big Organization, it took place 13.8 billion years ago in the beginning of our Physical Universe and the beginning of the physical matter in our universe.  According to the Big Bang Theory, over 13 billion years ago physical matter was organized or made, and then that physical matter was subsequently organized into planets, stars, and galaxies.  Anything that was obviously organized obviously requires an Organizer to organize it.  That reality applies directly to both the Big Bang Singularity and the organization or formation of physical matter and our physical universe.  The very existence of physical matter is Scientific Proof of God’s Existence.  Physical matter is organized energy.  The very existence of planets, stars, and galaxies is Scientific Proof of God’s Existence.  Planets, stars, and galaxies are organized physical matter.  There would be NO order and organization without God.  The whole thing would still be unorganized energy or “matter unorganized” without God’s direct intervention.  The whole thing would still be chaos.

Anything that was obviously organized obviously has an Organizer who organized it.  In an entropic physical universe, order and organization don’t just spontaneously generate out of thin air from nothing as the Materialists and Naturalists claim.  An entropic physical universe requires an Organizer, or nothing would ever happen.  The very existence of entropy as well as the very existence of order and organization is Scientific Proof of God’s Existence.

The very existence of organized planets, stars, and galaxies is Scientific Proof of God’s Existence.  There’s no way in the universe that clouds of hydrogen and helium gas are ever going to coalesce into planets, stars, and galaxies without some kind of external force from God making them do so.

Anything that was obviously made obviously has a Maker who made it.  In an entropic universe, order and organization don’t just spontaneously generate out of thin air from nothing as the Materialists and Naturalists claim.  They are made!

The very existence of a functional information-rich genome is Scientific Proof of God’s Existence.  Your genome is God’s Signature.  Such a thing is never going to spontaneously generate out of thin air from nothing as the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, and Atheists claim happened.  The genome along with the associated proteins that it codes for was in fact the first convincing Scientific Proof of God’s Existence that I encountered in my journey to discover God.

Because Dark Matter, Magnetism, Gravity, Psyche, Quantum Waves, the Nuclear Forces, and Dark Energy are intangible, non-physical, invisible, and spiritual in nature and origin, they have to be defined in terms of what they do rather than in terms of what they are.  However, Science tells us precisely what they are, nonetheless.  They are different forms of ENERGY.  The First Law of Thermodynamics tells us clearly and conclusively that they are different forms of Energy.  In fact, Psyche is the innate intelligence within all the different forms of energy which gives that energy the inherent ability to understand, follow, and obey God’s Commands and God’s Laws.

The first law of thermodynamics is a version of the law of conservation of energy, adapted for thermodynamic systems. The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system is constant; energy can be transformed from one form to another but can be neither created nor destroyed.


I used to be a Materialist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist.  I was holding out for Scientific Proof of God’s Existence.  I demanded Scientific Proof for God’s Existence thinking that I would never find it.  I truly believed that I was safe and that there would never be any convincing Scientific Proof of God’s Existence.  I was wrong.  Once it was revealed to me, I had no choice but to believe in God’s existence if I were going to remain true to myself and the commitment that I had made.

The very existence of stars made from hydrogen and helium as well as your genome are two of the most-convincing Scientific Proofs of God’s Existence that I have found so far; and, there are others.  The very existence of usable energy within this entropic physical universe is Scientific Proof of God’s Existence.  The very existence of Organized Energy or Physical Matter is Scientific Proof of God’s Existence.  Anything that was obviously organized obviously has an Organizer who organized it.  Order and organization of any kind is Scientific Proof of God’s Existence.  Someone Psyche had to organize raw energy into entropy and physical matter, or they wouldn’t exist.

Anything that was obviously made obviously has a Maker who made it.  Proteins and their matching genes were obviously made.  Planets, stars, and galaxies were obviously made.  The fact that there is something rather than nothing is Scientific Proof of God’s Existence.  Someone Psyche had to do the Science, or none of this would exist.  Science itself is Scientific Proof of God’s Existence.  There would be no Science if God did not exist.  The verified and proven existence of Dark Energy and Dark Matter is Scientific Proof of God’s Existence.  Someone Psyche is needed to make that Dark Matter and Dark Energy work, and to build it or organize it into useful forms.  It would take some sort of God to organize Dark Matter or Spirit Matter into planets, stars, and galaxies on a universal scale.  Would it not?  The First Law of Thermodynamics, Syntropy, or the Conservation of God’s Energy and God’s Psyche is Scientific Proof of God’s Existence.  The Fine-Tuning associated with all the different Physical Laws and Physical Constants is very convincing Scientific Proof of God’s Existence – an endless supply of proof that God exists.

I’m not going to apologize for finding the truth.  That’s precisely what scientists are supposed to do; and, I’m a scientist.  Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, and Atheism were designed to prevent us from discovering these truths.  They work as advertised.  I had to be willing to abandon My Materialism, My Naturalism, My Nihilism, and My Atheism BEFORE I was finally able to find, know, and understand these scientific truths.  My Atheism was preventing me from finding and knowing these truths.  Self-deception works, and it works every time.

Mark My Words

Quantum Fields


If I were a God tasked with bringing order to a small portion of the chaos which is our overall Greater Universe, I would start by designing and creating a network or a lattice of various different Quantum Fields.  In other words, I would ORGANIZE space at the quantum level or the spiritual level.  I would organize everything spiritually or quantum mechanically BEFORE trying to bring physical matter into existence.  Physical matter wouldn’t work without this underlying network of Quantum Fields to hold it together.

These Quantum Fields of Energy are fundamental and essential – infinitely more fundamental than entropic physical matter.  If I were dealing with unorganized matter and unorganized energy – chaos – I would bring order to it first by establishing functional and useful Quantum Fields within it at the quantum level or the spiritual level.

You see, our observable physical universe as a whole is a quantum wave, quantum particle, or quantum object – a blip of order and organization within an overall chaos that’s completely hidden away from us outside our cosmic horizon.  Our organized universe with its Quantum Fields is currently expanding into chaos bring order and organization to the chaos as our physical universe expands.  The Gods continue to organize and create things spiritually or quantum mechanically beyond the cosmic horizon with the intent to eventually organize them physically as well.  It all starts by making Quantum Fields or organizing the space at the quantum level or the spiritual level.

Many of the physicists can’t see this nor understand it because they don’t want to.  They want entropic physical matter to be the fundamental unit of reality, NOT Psyche, Energy, Quantum Fields, and God.  Nevertheless, even if our own unique observable physical universe were to suffer complete Heat Death, ALL of the Quantum Fields will still be there waiting to be reused anytime the Gods choose to do so.  In other words, the Quantum Fields will be CONSERVED even after the Heat Death of our physical universe.  According to the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics, heat death is impossible at the quantum level and the psyche level.  In the Quantum Realm or Spirit World, everything is CONSERVED including the Quantum Fields that have been made.  All the Gods have to do to start the whole process all over again is to bring some more entropic physical matter, or syntropic physical matter, into existence from all of that Dark Matter and Dark Energy that’s lying around – anytime they choose to do so.  This would be easy for them to do because ALL of the Quantum Fields are still there even if our physical universe appears to have suffered Heat Death at the physical level.  Remember, there is NO heat death or entropy at the quantum level or the spiritual level because everything there is CONSERVED.

Contrary to what the Naturalists and Atheists are trying to teach us, Quantum Fields are infinitely more fundamental than entropic physical matter.  There’s really nothing fundamental about entropic physical matter – it’s an after-the-fact ADD-ON.  It’s the Psyche, Energy, and Quantum Fields that ARE fundamental, NOT the entropic physical matter.  According to the Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics, physical matter and entropy are NOT conserved, which means that the CONSERVED (Psyche, Energy, Intelligence, Life Force, Quantum Fields) ends up being more fundamental and essential than anything that’s not being conserved.

Do you see how that works?  It’s the answer to life, the universe, and everything.  It explains everything that has ever been experienced and observed.

Remember, physical matter is impossible without the Quantum Fields or the Spiritual Fields to sustain it and hold it together.  Quantum Fields or Spiritual Fields are infinitely more important, essential, and fundamental than entropic physical matter.  Psyche is the innate intelligence within all the different forms of energy which gives that energy the inherent ability to understand, follow, and obey God’s Laws and God’s Commands.  This is what has been experienced and observed.  Science is observation and experience after all.

The lowest energy state is called the vacuum state.  It’s ALL comprised of energy or psyche, including the void or the vacuum of space.

Quantum Fields are Organized Webs of Energy.  They fill the immensity of space.

Organized by whom?  Who made them?  Who is using them?  Inquiring minds want to know.



The particle creation and particle annihilation shown on Feynman Diagrams is made possible by the Conservation of Energy.  Quantum Field Theory and the Feynman Diagrams are scientific proof that physical matter is NOT conserved.  Physical particles are created and destroyed all the time.  ONLY the underlying energy is conserved.  Quantum Field Theory is scientific proof that the Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics is true.  The Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics states that physical matter and entropy are not conserved.  Only the underlying Energy or Psyche is conserved.  The FORM is never conserved.  Energy can always be transformed into a different form anytime the Gods see fit to do so.

According to the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Someone Psyche is needed to start the electron’s or fermion’s initial state (or to start and instantiate a photon’s initial state) thereby causing the quantum, quantum wave, or “particle” to exist and begin moving through the quantum field in the first place.  In the Feynman Diagrams, they deliberately ignore the Psyche or the Intelligence who creates the quantum particles and then starts them moving though their respective quantum fields.  That’s what Materialists, Naturalists, and Atheists do.  These people just assume that these quantum particles come into existence from nothing and return to nothing when they are done doing their thing.  These people assume Creation Ex Nihilo as the fundamental foundation of their science rather than the Conservation of Energy or the Conservation of Psyche.  These atheistic people literally use “nothing” to explain everything.  In contrast, WE KNOW that Someone Psyche or Someone Intelligent is needed to explain why there is something rather than nothing.

One of my greatest and most useful scientific discoveries came when I first realized that the Materialists and Naturalists teach, preach, and believe Creation Ex Nihilo, Abiogenesis, Spontaneous Generation, Conservation of Entropy, Conservation of Death, the Supremacy of Entropy, and the Conservation of Physical Matter in direct violation of the First Law of Thermodynamics because these people teach and believe that ONLY entropic physical matter exists and that ONLY entropic physical matter is conserved.  These people also teach and believe that Psyche, Life Force, or Consciousness DOES NOT EXIST.  They are wrong.

By studying the Space Time Quantum Field Theory playlist below, you can see with your own eyes that Quantum Fields are highly organized webs of Energy that fill the immensity of space.  The order and organization behind it all is obvious and clear for anyone who has eyes and a willingness to see and understand.  The production of Quantum Fields and the Initialization of Quanta, or the Creation of Quanta, or the Initial States of Quanta are Scientific Proof of God’s Necessity.  God’s Psyche is needed to explain why there is something rather than nothing, especially at the quantum level or the psyche level.  Quantum Fields are NOT made by entropic physical matter.  Instead, Quantum Fields facilitate the creation and movement of quanta, wave packets, energy packets, or “particles” of matter by Someone Psyche.


The First Quantum Field Theory



“Particles” are quanta – wave packets of energy.  Quantum Field Theory describes all elementary “particles” or quanta as vibrations, or ripples, in the Fundamental Quantum Fields that exist at all points in space and time throughout the universe.  Quantum Fields of Energy fill the immensity of space.  Space isn’t empty after all.  Photons are “field quanta”, “light quanta”, energy packets, or wave packets moving through a Quantum Field or the Electromagnetic Field.

These Quantum Fields of Energy seem to be the fundamental structure of space-time, and therefore the fundamental unit of our physical universe and physical reality.

As I see it, the Psyche or Intelligence who made and organized the Quantum Fields ends up being the most fundamental or the most essential unit of them all, when it comes to Reality as we know it.  Organization doesn’t spring whole from nothing.

Quantum Fields were obviously organized and obviously made.  When it comes to Quantum Fields and Quantum Field Theory, we can clearly see the order, organization, deliberation, intelligent planning, structure, restrictions, and laws behind it all.

Anything that was obviously organized obviously has an Organizer who organized it.  Anything that was obviously made or obviously fine-tuned obviously has a Maker who designed it, made it, and fine-tuned it.  Quantum Fields were obviously designed, made, organized, and fine-tuned.  There is structure, order, organization, and intelligent planning there – rather than nothing.  Psyche is the innate intelligence within all the different forms of energy which gives that energy the inherent ability to understand, follow, and obey God’s Laws and God’s Commands.  Psyche, in particular God’s Psyche or God’s Intelligence, explains why there is something rather than nothing.  To discover what things are, you must discover who made them and why they exist.  “Nothing” is not an adequate explanation for the existence of something.

The Materialists and Naturalists claim that space is empty and that only entropic physical matter exists.  They are wrong.  Quantum Fields of Energy are scientific proof that entropic physical matter is NOT the fundamental unit of reality nor the ONLY unit of reality as the Materialists and Naturalists claim that it is.  Most people can’t see it because they choose not to see it and understand it; but, Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Fields FALSIFY Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and even Atheism.  It’s obvious and clear for anyone who is willing to look and see.

Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory, and Action at a Distance FALSIFY Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, Atheism, and Classical Physics.  That’s why the Materialists and Atheists keep calling Quantum Mechanics “unintuitive”.  Quantum Mechanics can’t be explained by Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, nor Classical Physics.

In contrast, Quantum Mechanics is perfectly intuitive to anyone who KNOWS that the Non-Physical, the Non-Local, the Transdimensional, the Intangible, the Spiritual, and all those different Invisible Forces and Fields do indeed exist in spades throughout the whole of space and time.  In fact, Psyche and Quantum Mechanics are essential if we want to understand what these things are and how they work.  The verified and proven existence of these quantum mechanical realities FALSIFIES Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, and their derivatives; and, it ends up being Scientific Proof of God’s Existence instead.

Mark My Words

Entropic Physical Matter


We need a brief introduction to Physical Matter before we can explore Dark Matter.

The following playlist and video from Space Time does a good job of explaining the origin of matter and time from the perspective of Quantum Field Theory.  Of course, we need something like God’s Psyche to explain the origin of Quantum Fields, Quantum Mechanics, and Physical Laws.  Any type of law, rule, restriction, order, or organization requires an Organizer of Law Giver, as well as a Law Enforcer and Law Followers.  Psyche is the innate intelligence within all the different forms of energy which gives that energy the ability to understand, follow, and obey God’s Laws and God’s Commands.  Someone Psyche is needed for the construction of the Quantum Fields and Physical Laws in the first place.  Creation Ex Nihilo has NO explanatory power.  It cannot explain why there is order rather than chaos.  “Creation from nothing by Nothing” cannot explain why our universe is filled with Dark Energy or Quantum Fields and why there are halos of Dark Matter surrounding and shepherding galaxies keeping them from flying apart.

The Origin of Matter and Time



The Higgs Mechanism Explained




Massless Speed-of-Light Particles or Massless Psyches USE mass to resist acceleration and to slow down to sub-light velocities.  Mass produces the experience of time or the passage of time.  Mass makes entropy possible.  Mass is just a different FORM of energy.  It’s all energy, and energy is always conserved.

The most interesting science in this video is their discovery that, without the mass or the resistance to acceleration which the electron (and quark) gets from the Higgs Field and weak hyper-charge, the electron would be a massless particle and travel at the speed-of-light.  In other words, the electron would have NO mass without the Higgs Field.  The Higgs Field provides the mass, or resistance to acceleration, and slows the electron down.

Mass is resistance to acceleration.  Mass slows particles down.  Massless particles like photons travel at the speed-of-light, and they experience NO passage of time and therefore NO entropy.  Photons and other Massless Particles are capable of being immortal and conserved.  The Higgs Field produces mass, which slows quantum particles down to below the speed-of-light, which then produces the passage of time as a result.  The passage of time makes entropy possible.  The fundamental elementary components of the electrons and the quarks are Massless Speed-of-Light Particles; and, the Higgs Field gives the quarks and the electrons their small amount of mass and thereby slows them down to sub-light speeds.

Remember, mass produces resistance to acceleration and thereby slows Massless Particles down to sub-light speeds.


The Origins of Mass




Mass is really just the energy or the gluons that bind the quarks together.

Time stops at the speed-of-light.  Real matter or physical matter is comprised of massless light-speed components confined by interactions with other particles and force fields.  99% of the mass of an atom is trapped in and produced by the gluons and quantum fields that bind the elementary particles together; and, it’s that mass or field that feels, causes, or experiences the passage of time, and not the massless timeless light-speed components or quantum particles within the physical matter.  The passage of time is built into the quantum fields, not the massless timeless elementary quantum particles that comprise physical matter.

Everything with mass is comprised of massless, timeless, speed-of-light particles that are confined, limited, and prevented from streaming freely at the speed-of-light by the various different quantum fields that confine those particles and limit them to sub-light speeds.  In other words, the mass or resistance to acceleration is found in the quantum fields and NOT the quantum particles themselves.  The mass in quarks and electrons is produced by the Higgs Field.  The mass in the protons and neutrons is produced by the Strong Force or Gluon Field that binds the quarks together.

Mass is energy, NOT entropic physical matter.  Don’t you get the sense from Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory that Energy or Psyche is the fundamental unit of reality and NOT entropic physical matter?  I certainly do.  When it comes to the universe, the whole thing is comprised of Energy or Psyche, and NOT physical matter.  Technically, entropy and physical matter do not exist, certainly not as any kind of mass or stuff.  The majority of the mass or resistance to acceleration is in the force fields, or the quantum fields, or the energy fields binding the quarks together – NOT in the quarks, or the “matter”, or the “particles” themselves.

In theoretical particle physics, the Gluon Field is a four-vector field characterizing the propagation of gluons in the strong interaction between quarks.  The Gluon Field plays the same role in quantum chromodynamics as the electromagnetic four-potential in quantum electrodynamics – the gluon field constructs the gluon field strength tensor.


The strong nuclear force holds most ordinary matter together because it confines quarks into hadron particles such as the proton and neutron.  In addition, the strong force binds neutrons and protons to create atomic nuclei.  Most of the mass of a common proton or neutron is the result of the strong force field energy; the individual quarks provide only about 1% of the mass of a proton.


I’ve always been interested in Particle Physics; therefore, it was extremely important to me to finally get this straight and get it right.  Essentially, the Gluon Field or Strong Force GLUES quarks together into protons and neutrons.  In contrast, some Massless Speed-of-Light Particles USE the Higgs Field to slow themselves down thereby becoming electrons and quarks in the process.  The electromagnetic force draws electrons to protons thereby forming physical atoms.  As a consequence of the Pauli Exclusion Principle, only one fermion (quark or electron) can occupy a particular quantum state at any given time.  The Pauli Exclusion Principle and Uncertainty Principle resist or counteract an electron’s desire or urge to merge with a proton.  Checks and balances!

Thanks to Materialism and Naturalism, Fermions are erroneously associated with matter and mass, whereas bosons are erroneously visualized as being massless force carrier particles.  In truth, though, the elementary parts of BOTH fermions and bosons are in fact Massless Speed-of-Light Particles; and, it’s the Quantum Fields or Force Fields associated with the Gluon Field and the Higgs Field that in FACT give the Massless Particles or Massless Psyches within atoms their mass or resistance to acceleration.

Massless Particles must travel at the speed-of-light, which means that time stops or time is frozen for Massless Particles, which means that there is NO entropy at the quantum level or the psyche level.  Each Massless Particle is some type of Psyche or Intelligence.  According to the First Law of Thermodynamics, Massless Particles, Massless Energy, or Massless Psyches are the ultimate perpetual motion machine.  Given the FACT that Energy is always conserved and given the FACT that the Second Law of Thermodynamics or Entropy does not exist at the quantum level and the psyche level, Massless Particles or Massless Psyches can keep going and keep working for ALL eternity because they are forever conserved.  They can change form, assignment, or function; but, Massless Psyches or Massless Particles are always conserved.

The True Nature of Matter and Mass



The Real Meaning of E = mc2


The Speed-of-light Is Not About Light


When Time Breaks Down



The Origin of Matter and Time



These videos from Space Time and Fermilab make it obvious and clear that entropic physical matter is NOT the fundamental unit of reality as the Materialists and Naturalists claim that it is.  In fact, these videos seem to imply that Quantum Fields are the fundamental structure of reality, not physical matter.  Of course, I like to ask the question, “Who made the Quantum Fields?”  Scientists are supposed to ask questions.  It seems to me that whoever made the Quantum Fields or Quantum Structures would in fact be more fundamental or essential than the Quantum Fields.  Interacting Quantum Fields, each filling the whole of space and time, implies order and organization at the grandest scale.  Who would be capable of making a Quantum Field at the universal scale, determining what it does and how it’s going to work?  The only answer that I can come up with would be Someone Psyche.  Only Psyche would be able to manipulate energy and change it into different forms at the quantum level.  It seems to me that Psyche would in fact be the fundamental unit of reality, or the most essential unit for existence and reality.

Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Mechanics in general FALSIFIES Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism which claim and state that ONLY entropic physical matter exists, that entropic physical matter is the fundamental unit of reality, and therefore that physical matter and entropy are conserved.  The false is falsified by the truth; and, the truth is repeatedly experienced and observed.  Physical matter is NOT the fundamental unit of reality.  Entropic physical matter is NOT the only thing that exists.  Physical matter and entropy are NOT conserved.  Instead, Science tells us that Energy or Psyche is the fundamental unit of reality, and NOT entropic physical matter.

Do you see how that works?  It’s the answer to life, the universe, and everything.  Psyche or Life Force is the innate intelligence within all the different forms of energy which gives that energy the inherent ability to understand, follow, and obey God’s Laws and God’s Commands.  This reality explains everything that has ever been experienced and observed.

Dark Matter


Nobody knows what Dark Matter is.  For all we know, Dark Matter could in fact be one of the many different types of Spirit Matter.  That idea is no less crazy than the other ideas that have been proposed.  In fact, Spirit Matter has actually been experienced and observed, whereas the other explanations for Dark Matter have not been observed.



I’ve learned to go with what has been experienced and observed.  Spirit Matter has been experienced and observed by Out-of-Body Travelers; therefore, I’m running with the idea that Dark Matter is some type of Spirit Matter until somebody comes up with a better explanation or idea.  Dark Matter certainly looks like and acts like Spirit Matter.  So, that’s good enough for now.  It gives us a frame of reference to work with.

The Materialists and Naturalists and Atheists erroneously define entropic physical matter as the fundamental unit of reality and the only unit of reality; so, it shouldn’t be too surprising that these people will also end up being wrong about Dark Matter or Spirit Matter.

The Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Atheists, Behaviorists, Determinists, Physical Reductionists, Classical Physicists, and Atheists ASSURE us that Spirit Matter DOES NOT EXIST.  However, if Dark Matter exists, then it is some type of Spirit Matter; and, many of these same people are willing to allow Dark Matter to exist.

Dark Matter is the invisible, intangible, non-physical, spiritual stuff that has been gathered into haloes around galaxies to keep those physical galaxies from flying apart.

We know for a fact that expanding clouds of hydrogen and helium gas will NEVER coalesce into planets, stars, and galaxies without some kind of EXTERNAL FORCE making them do so.  The very existence of planets, stars, and galaxies is Scientific Proof of God’s Existence.

A number of scientists have stated that Dark Matter forces hydrogen and helium gas to coalesce into planets, stars, and galaxies.  That seems like a semi-plausible explanation for star and galaxy formation; but, it begs the question.  Who is forcing the Dark Matter to form into planets, stars, and galaxies?  There’s NO such thing as spontaneous generation at any level of existence, especially the physical level.  Entropy prevents spontaneous generation and chemical evolution from happening at the physical level.  It can’t be done which means that it wasn’t done.  Hydrogen molecules naturally repel each other; and, helium naturally repels everything.  There’s no way in the universe that clouds of hydrogen and helium gas are ever going to coalesce into planets, stars, and galaxies which means that planets, stars, and galaxies have to be made or they wouldn’t exist.



Big Bang Theorists repeatedly state that it was the influence of Dark Matter that formed hydrogen and helium into stars and galaxies.  If so, then who is driving the Dark Matter?  Someone Psyche or Someone Intelligent has to be forming that Dark Matter into galaxies and stars so that the Dark Matter can then shepherd or form ordinary physical matter into planets, stars, and galaxies.  Any way that we choose to look at it, it ends up being Scientific Proof of God’s Existence.

The scientists in general have proven that Dark Matter exists.  Dark Matter is some type of Spirit Matter or Intangible Matter.  Who has the ability to manipulate and organize Spirit Matter?  It has to be Someone Psyche.  Dark Matter and Baryonic Matter were made from raw energy.  Matter of any kind is Organized Energy.  Anything that was obviously made obviously has a Maker who made it.  Physical matter was obviously made.  Anything that was obviously organized obviously has an Organizer who organized it.  If stars and galaxies really did coalesce from expanding clouds of hydrogen and helium gas as the Big Bang Theorists claim, then Someone Psyche obviously organized the Dark Matter or Spirit Matter into galaxies and stars, in order to shepherd or form physical matter into galaxies and stars.  The existence of organization and the existence of matter of any kind is Scientific Proof of God’s Existence.  Order, Organization, Physical Matter, and Physical Laws don’t just spontaneously generate out of thin air from nothing as the Materialists and Naturalists claim.  There is NO such thing as Creation Ex Nihilo.  The First Law of Thermodynamics or the Conservation of Energy FALSIFIES Creation Ex Nihilo.

Physical matter was organized from raw energy.  Dark Matter, Spirit Matter, and Physical Matter have obviously been organized into planets, stars, gas clouds, and galaxies.  Anything that was obviously organized obviously has an Organizer who organized it.  That’s why there is something rather than nothing.  The very existence of planets, stars, and galaxies is Scientific Proof of God’s Existence.  There’s no way in the universe that expanding clouds of hydrogen and helium gas will ever coalesce into planets, stars, and galaxies without some kind of outside intervention from God.  God is needed to do the physically impossible.  That’s just the way it is.

Defining Dark Matter:

Dark matter is a hypothetical type of matter distinct from baryonic matter (ordinary matter such as protons and neutrons), neutrinos, and dark energy.  Dark matter has never been directly observed; however, its existence would explain a number of otherwise puzzling astronomical observations.  The name refers to the fact that it does not emit or interact with electromagnetic radiation, such as light, and is thus invisible to the entire electromagnetic spectrum.  Although dark matter has not been directly observed, its existence and properties are inferred from its gravitational effects such as the motions of visible matter, gravitational lensing, its influence on the universe’s large-scale structure, on galaxies, and its effects on the cosmic microwave background.

The standard model of cosmology indicates that the total massenergy of the universe contains 4.9% ordinary matter, 26.8% dark matter and 68.3% dark energy.  Thus, dark matter constitutes 84.5% of total mass, while dark energy plus dark matter constitutes 95.1% of total massenergy content.  The great majority of ordinary matter in the universe is also unseen.  Visible stars and gas inside galaxies and clusters account for less than 10% of the ordinary matter contribution to the mass-energy density of the universe.

Dark matter is a theorized form of matter that is believed to account for approximately 80% of the matter in the universe, and about a quarter of its total energy density. The majority of dark matter is thought to be non-baryonic in nature, possibly being composed of some as-yet undiscovered subatomic particles.  Dark matter has not been directly observed, but its presence is implied in a variety of astrophysical observations, including gravitational effects that cannot be explained unless more matter is present than can be seen. For this reason, most experts believe dark matter to be ubiquitous in the universe and to have had a strong influence on its structure and evolution. The name dark matter refers to the fact that it does not appear to interact with observable electromagnetic radiation, such as light, and is thus invisible (or ‘dark’) to the entire electromagnetic spectrum, making it extremely difficult to detect using usual astronomical equipment.

The primary evidence for dark matter is that calculations show that many galaxies would fly apart instead of rotating, or would not have formed or move as they do, if they did not contain a large amount of unseen matter.

From different versions of the Wikipedia on this topic.


They call it Dark Energy and Dark Matter because it isn’t visible to our physical eyes and isn’t directly detectable with our physical instruments.  These things are quantum, non-physical, and supernatural in nature and origin.  Dark Matter is one of the different types of Spirit Matter.  It’s invisible and non-physical (non-baryonic) in nature and origin.  Dark Matter or Spirit Matter is a different FORM of Energy or Syntropy.  Energy or Syntropy can be made to take on many different FORMS by Psyche or Intelligence.

Whether the Materialists and Naturalists realize it or not, the demonstrable and proven existence of Dark Matter and Dark Energy FALSIFIES Materialism and Naturalism.

Think about it logically.

Dark Matter is invisible non-physical “matter” that cannot be detected with our physical instruments.  Such a thing is supposed to be physically impossible according to the Materialists and Naturalists; yet, there’s Dark Matter in your living room all around you right now that you can’t see with your physical eyes.  Invisible non-physical matter is the very definition of Spirit Matter.  Dark Matter or Spirit Matter is inferred to exist by the gravitational and organizational effect it has on the physical matter, ordinary matter, regular matter, or baryonic matter that’s suspended within it.

Dark Energy or Syntropy is also an invisible non-physical force or field.

What’s the difference between dark matter and dark energy?  Is it valid to think about dark matter and dark energy in the same way?  Are they two states of the same dark “thing”?  Are they interchangeable?

The short answer to your question is that we don’t know if dark matter and dark energy are manifestations of the same dark “thing”.  We know they both must exist to explain certain phenomena, but we still know very little about their make-up, so we cannot assume they are linked.  For now, we think of them as separate, and we believe the cosmos to be composed of roughly 0.03% heavy elements (anything other than hydrogen and helium), 0.3% neutrinos, 0.5% stars, 4% free hydrogen and helium, 25% dark matter, and 70% dark energy.

Here is how we define them separately:

Dark matter must exist to account for the gravity that holds galaxies together.  If the only matter in the universe was matter we could directly detect, galaxies would not have had enough matter to have ever formed.  The galaxies we observe today would fly apart because they wouldn’t have enough matter to create a strong enough gravitational force to hold themselves together.  Dark matter is also responsible for amplifying small fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background back in the early universe to create the large-scale structure we observe in the universe today.

Dark energy, which also goes by the names of the cosmological constant or quintessence, must exist due to the rate of expansion we observe for our universe.  Not only is the universe expanding, but this expansion is also accelerating, so the unknown ‘anti-gravity’ force at work is termed ‘dark energy’.


Technically, the proven existence of invisible forces and fields such as quantum waves, light waves, electromagnetic waves, the strong force, the weak force, gravity waves, and dark energy waves FALSIFIES the major premises or primary assumptions of Materialism and Naturalism which claim that the non-physical or the supernatural does not exist.  ALL of these different types of waves, forces, and fields are immaterial, non-physical, and supernatural in nature and origin.

When it comes to all of these different waves, their wave function can supposedly collapse into something that’s detectable or inferable through the effect that it has on the physical world.  The quantum can influence and control the physical.  The different waves, forces, and fields can have physical effects.  The smaller can dwell within and control the larger.

Energy or Syntropy can be made to take on different FORMS.


Light waves reduce to photons.  Magnetic waves and electric waves are also tied in with photons, although they could theoretically reduce to an electron.  Photovoltaic cells were designed to convert photons into electrons, thereby converting light into electricity.  Electrons are always half-in and half-out – spending half their time in the non-physical quantum realm and half their time in the physical realm.

The strong force reduces to gluons.  The weak nuclear force reduces to bosons.  Quantum waves reduce to thoughts, memories, and cognitions.  Gravity waves reduce to the hypothetical graviton.  Dark energy waves would reduce to some sort of hypothetical darkon.  It’s going to be some type of boson when they finally figure out what it is.

The problem is that these particular bosons (cognitions, gravitons, and darkons) are purely hypothetical in nature and will probably never have a verifiable physical component being purely supernatural, or non-physical, or quantum in nature and origin.  At some point along the continuum, the physical has to cease to exist and the spiritual or the quantum has to take over and continue onward from there.  The quantum or the supernatural is the core construct.  The physical is simply a different phase or a different dimension of the quantum or the supernatural.  The physical is a very small sub-set of the quantum or the supernatural.  Energy is Syntropy, eternal and everlasting; whereas, physical matter or entropy is the exception to the rule.  Physical matter and entropy began, and they can theoretically come to an end when they are absorbed back into Syntropy from whence they came.

Syntropy is supernatural.  WE KNOW this is so, because only physical matter is subject to entropy.  Quantum Mechanisms are supernatural in nature, origin, and function.  Quantum Mechanisms are Syntropy in action.  The very existence of Quantum Mechanics FALSIFIES Materialism and Naturalism.

The very existence of quantum waves – thoughts and memories – that survive the death of our physical brain is evidentiary proof that FALSIFIES Materialism and Naturalism.  WE KNOW that our thoughts, memories, and dreams are non-physical, non-local, transdimensional, and spiritual in nature and origin because they cannot be detected nor recorded by our physical instruments.

It’s clear to me and to many other people that Dark Matter is in fact Spirit Matter.  Invisible Matter or Spirit Matter is not supposed to exist according to the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists; yet, there it is.  It’s all around us, and we can’t even see it nor detect it with our physical instruments; but, we KNOW it exists by the effects that it has on physical matter.

Remember, there are different types of spirit matter, different levels of spirit matter, different frequencies of spirit matter, different dimensions of spirit matter, and different types of reality comprised of spirit matter.  In the spirit world, there are consensus realities comprised of communities of spirit beings; and, there are non-consensus realities that mold themselves to the demands of your Psyche whenever you enter into them.

According to the Law of Quantum Superposition, two particles of matter can exist at the same time in the same location as long as they are out of phase with each other.  Spirit matter and physical matter occupy the same space at the same time.  This is possible because they are out of phase with each other or exist in different dimensions at different frequencies.  Quantum Superposition makes this reality and truth possible.  Quantum waves are additive, and they can also be separated from each other, too.  It works both ways thanks to Quantum Superposition.  There are also different levels or frequencies or dimensions of physical matter.  They all exist in the same space or location simultaneously, whether we realize it or not.

Clearly, Dark Matter is some type of Spirit Matter.  What else would you call invisible matter that isn’t detectable directly by our physical instruments, but has to be inferred to exist instead by the influence that it has on physical matter?  They call it Dark Matter because it isn’t visible and isn’t detectable by our physical instruments.  The same truth and reality applies to Spirit Matter.

The quantum can influence and control the physical.  Dark Matter or Spirit Matter is quantum in nature and origin; but, this Dark Matter shepherds or organizes or controls the physical matter, according to the science we have on hand.

Dark matter must exist to account for the gravity that holds galaxies together.  If the only matter in the universe was matter we could directly detect, galaxies would not have had enough matter to have ever formed.  The galaxies we observe today would fly apart because they wouldn’t have enough matter to create a strong enough gravitational force to hold themselves together.

Who organized this Spirit Matter or Dark Matter into Galaxies, so as to draw the associated physical matter into a galactic shape or form?

Even the Big Bang Theory points to these truths.  According to the Big Bang Theory, our physical universe should be nothing more than one huge homogeneous ball of gas with every physical particle moving away from every other physical particle.  So, who put the Dark Matter into place so as to force the ordinary physical matter to form into galaxies, and later to force some of that same ordinary physical matter to form into stars and planets?  It is Dark Matter or Spirit Matter that is currently holding our galaxies together; and, it’s Dark Matter that allegedly brought our galaxies, stars, and planets together in the first place!  Who created everything spiritually, before He created it physically?  Who could do such a thing?  It had to be Someone Psyche, Someone Powerful, and Someone Intelligent.  It would have to be a God.

If it weren’t for Dark Matter or Spirit Matter, every physical particle in this physical universe would be moving away from every other physical particle.  Who do we know of that can control and manipulate and organize Spirit Matter or Dark Matter?  Well, it’s certainly NOT evolution.  Evolution of any kind is restricted to or limited to the physical level.  Evolution can’t touch the quantum level or the psyche level.  So, who do we know of that operates on the quantum level or the dark matter level?  It has to be Someone Psyche.  Who was moving behind the scenes before the first particle of physical matter was organized and made?  Who was moving behind the scenes before this physical universe was brought into existence?  It wasn’t evolution as the Darwinists and Naturalists claim because evolution and physical matter didn’t exist yet.

Who created everything spiritually, before He created it physically?  The Biblical God Jesus Christ tells us that He created everything spiritually before He created it physically.

Moses 3: 4-5:

And now, behold, I say unto you, that these are the generations of the heaven and of the earth, when they were created, in the day that I, the Lord God, made the heaven and the earth, and every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew.

For I, the Lord God, created all things, of which I have spoken, spiritually, before they were naturally upon the face of the earth.  For I, the Lord God, had not caused it to rain upon the face of the earth.  And I, the Lord God, had created all the children of men; and not yet a man to till the ground; for in heaven created I them; and there was not yet flesh upon the earth, neither in the water, neither in the air.

Go figure!

God organized everything spiritually before He organized it physically, just as the Dark Matter Scenario suggests!  Dark Matter is Spirit Matter.  God organized the Dark Matter first and then used it as a template or blueprint to organize the Physical Matter.  Organized Dark Matter or Spirit Matter served and serves as the template or blueprint for this physical universe.  Truth is consistent with truth.  Truth supports truth.  Truth FALSIFIES Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, Classical Physics, and the Theory of Evolution.

By choosing to allow ALL of the evidence into evidence, we can answer every question that comes our way with an answer that makes logical scientific sense.  Quantum Mechanics, Syntropy, and Quantum Non-Local Consciousness (Psyche) have a vast amount of explanatory power that Classical Physics, Entropy, Materialism, and Naturalism simply lack.

Both Quantum Mechanisms and Dark Matter require some kind of Chooser or Actor to organize them and trigger them; otherwise, they aren’t going to do anything intelligent or useful or productive.  Otherwise, it would be chaos.  In the Realm of Syntropy, Psyche or Quantum Non-Local Consciousness is that Chooser or Actor that Quantum Mechanisms and Dark Matter require.  Remember, some type of Psyche or Syntropy is required to collapse wave functions; otherwise, nothing happens.

This is a Quantum Model for Origins and not a classical physics model for origins.  It’s based upon Quantum Mechanics and not classical physics.

Dark Energy


Most of the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Atheists, Behaviorists, Determinists, Physical Reductionists, Classical Physicists, and Atheists ASSURE us that Dark Energy, or the Light of Christ, or the Quantum Sea of Light, or the Zero-Point Field of Light does not exist.

Are they right; or, did they get their science wrong?

Defining Dark Energy:

In physical cosmology and astronomy, dark energy is an unknown form of energy which is hypothesized to permeate all of space, tending to accelerate the expansion of the universe.  Dark energy is the most accepted hypothesis to explain the observations since the 1990s indicating that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate.

Assuming that the standard model of cosmology is correct, the best current measurements indicate that dark energy contributes 68.3% of the total energy in the present-day observable universe.  The massenergy of dark matter and ordinary (baryonic) matter contribute 26.8% and 4.9%, respectively, and other components such as neutrinos and photons contribute a very small amount.

The density of dark energy (~ 7 × 1030 g/cm3) is very low, much less than the density of ordinary matter or dark matter within galaxies.  However, it comes to dominate the massenergy of the universe because it is uniform across space.

Two proposed forms for dark energy are the cosmological constant, representing a constant energy density filling space homogeneously, and scalar fields such as quintessence or moduli, dynamic quantities whose energy density can vary in time and space.  Contributions from scalar fields that are constant in space are usually also included in the cosmological constant.  The cosmological constant can be formulated to be equivalent to the zero-point radiation of space i.e. the vacuum energy.  Scalar fields that change in space can be difficult to distinguish from a cosmological constant because the change may be extremely slow.


Dark Energy is the expanding force of the universe.  Dark Energy permeates the whole universe and is evenly distributed throughout the whole universe, much like gravity.  Dark Energy has been called Gravity’s “opposing force”.  Dark Energy or Syntropy is the Power by which this physical universe was made.

It’s hard to know what to do with Dark Energy.  I have observed that EVERYTHING UNEXPLAINABLE that we have come across in science, mysticism, new age, religion, physics, and astrophysics seems to get dumped into what the astrophysicists call Dark Energy.  Dark Energy is some sort of quantum mechanism or supernatural mechanism.  Dark Energy is non-local, transdimensional, non-physical, quantum, syntropic, and supernatural in nature and origin.  Dark Energy is a type of Syntropy.  Dark Energy is an invisible non-physical force or field.  Dark energy is omnipresent.

Dark Energy has been called the Vacuum Energy of Free Space, the Zero-Point Field, the Zero-Point Field of Light, the Quantum Sea of Light, Anti-Gravity, Quintessence, the Ether, Essence, Soul, Spirit, the Quantum Construct, the Music of the Spheres, the Cosmic Internet, the Universal Broadcast, the Light of Christ, and the Holy Spirit.  I’m beginning to believe that Dark Energy is a Quantum Field or is the result of interactions between different Quantum Fields.  It’s all comprised of Energy.  Dark Energy is just one of the many different types of Energy.

Dark Energy is some type of syntropy or some type of quantum mechanism.  Dark Energy permeates the whole of time and space.  Dark Energy is the stretching force in this universe.  Dark Energy is an invisible non-physical force or field.  Dark Energy has the opposite effect of Gravity.  Dark Energy could be used by the Gods to do levitation.  Gravity is an invisible tractor beam; and, Dark Energy is an invisible repulsor beam.  They are invisible and non-physical because they exist at the quantum level.  In fact, the proven and verified existence of something like Gravity or Magnetism or Invisible Light or Dark Energy actually falsifies the claims of Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism which claim that invisible non-physical forces and fields do not exist.

Psyche is the innate intelligence within all the different forms of energy which gives that energy the inherent ability to understand, follow, and obey God’s Laws and God’s Commands.  The Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Behaviorists, Determinists, Physical Reductionists, and Atheists teach the Conservation of Entropy or the Conservation of Death as the Second Law of Thermodynamics thereby FALSIFYING the First Law of Thermodynamics which teaches Syntropy, Eternal Life, the Conservation of Psyche, the Conservation of the Life Force, the Conservation of Intelligence, and the Conservation of Energy instead.  These atheistic people use the Second Law of Thermodynamics to falsify and eliminate the First Law of Thermodynamics.

Matt makes this point in the following PBS Space Time video:



In this video, he states:

It takes work to expand the volume of the universe, and the new energy turns into dark energy.  But, who’s doing that work?  Where does the energy come from?  The answer is maybe nowhere.  This is where intuition goes completely out the window.  See, the law of conservation of energy no longer applies in an expanding universe.  This law is a property of a Newtonian universe, in which space and time are fixed static dimensions.  In a universe governed by general relativity, this is no longer true.  Energy can be forever lost or gained from nothing within an expanding curved spacetime.


He uses Creation Ex Nihilo and his Atheism to FALSIFY the First Law of Thermodynamics.  His materialism, naturalism, and atheism are messing him up.  It’s causing him to go so far as to deny the truthfulness of the First Law of Thermodynamics and to replace Conservation of Energy with Creation Ex Nihilo instead.

He is suggesting that Dark Energy is being made from nothing as our universe expands.  I don’t buy it!  That’s magic, not science.  Something has to be fundamental; otherwise, our universe wouldn’t exist, we wouldn’t exist, and chaos would reign supreme.  ALL of the observational evidence is telling us that the Conservation of Energy is the Fundamental Law of the Multiverse – NOT Creation Ex Nihilo, Blind Luck, nor Random Fluctuations in Entropy.  Energy, and the psyche or intelligence within it, is the fundamental substance of the Multiverse – NOT nothing.  Dark Energy is another Quantum Field; and, Quantum Fields are made from energy, NOT nothing from nothing by Nothing.  Energy is something, NOT nothing; and, Energy cannot be made, and it cannot be destroyed, which means that Dark Energy cannot be made from nothing.  Dark Energy is made from energy, which means that Dark Energy is just another form of energy.

Creation from nothing by Nothing cannot explain why Nothing is producing Dark Energy rather than concrete throughout the whole of our universe.  In contrast, Creation by Intelligent Psyche does indeed explain why there is something rather than nothing.  Psyche or Intelligence explains why Dark Energy is being used to expand our universe rather than concrete.  Do you see how that works?  An influx of concrete would indeed expand our universe, but then that would violate God’s Anthropic Goals and make life as we know it impossible.  We must use a little philosophical common sense when trying to concoct causal explanations for the physical phenomena that we are observing and experiencing.

His causal explanation for Dark Energy violates the whole of Physics and destroys the whole of Science.  He invokes Creation from nothing by Nothing.  He invokes magic.  He denies the truthfulness of the First Law of Thermodynamics.  The truth as it has been experienced and observed is the exact opposite of what he said here!

This quote demonstrates what I have been saying all the way along – the Materialists, Naturalists, and Atheists preach and teach the Conservation of Death, the Conservation of Heat Death, and the Conservation of Entropy in complete violation of the First Law of Thermodynamics which is the Conservation of Psyche or the Conservation of Energy.

Ultimately, the First Law of Thermodynamics and the Second Law of Thermodynamics are mutually exclusive.  They both can’t be right because they falsify each other.  The Materialists, Naturalists, and Atheists use entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics to falsify the existence of God; whereas, the First Law of Thermodynamics verifies and confirms the existence of God’s Psyche or God’s Energy.  “Entropy proves that God does not exist” was the take-away message that I got from the Second Law of Thermodynamics when I was a Physicalist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist.  That’s the message that we all get from entropy or the Second Law of Thermodynamics.  It’s a message that many of us want to hear.  We literally use the Conservation of Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics to FALSIFY the Conservation of Psyche or the Conservation of Energy which is the First Law of Thermodynamics.

His is a materialistic and naturalistic explanation of Dark Energy; and, I have observed that the Materialists and Naturalists are always wrong.  The Materialists, Naturalists, and Atheists preach the Supremacy of Entropy, the Conservation of Death, the Conservation of Entropy, Creation Ex Nihilo, Spontaneous Generation, Abiogenesis, Chemical Evolution, Macro-Evolution, the non-existence of Psyche, and the non-existence of God.  These people teach and preach that entropy or death is conserved while at the same time teaching and preaching that Energy or Psyche is NOT conserved or is non-existent.  They use the Second Law of Thermodynamics to FALSIFY the First Law of Thermodynamics.  They use entropy, death, or the Second Law of Thermodynamics to falsify the existence of God.  These people deliberately give preeminence to entropy or the Second Law of Thermodynamics because that is the one they want to be true because that is the one that falsifies the existence of Psyche and God.  Find out what the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the Theory of Evolution, and Creation Ex Nihilo were designed to falsify and eliminate from science; and there, you will find the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

By his own admission, his chosen beliefs violate parsimony because they are unintuitive and violate common sense.  This is one of the most fascinating quotes I have come across.  It demonstrates precisely and clearly that we Naturalists and Atheists are more than willing to reject the First Law of Thermodynamics and embrace Creation Ex Nihilo instead just so that we can continue to believe that God does not exist.  I KNOW how these thought processes work.  I used to be a Materialist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist until the science and the observations of the human race convinced me that I was wrong.

He is a brilliant individual, but his explanation violates the First Law of Thermodynamics.  His explanation for expansion and dark energy is Creation Ex Nihilo and states that “energy can be gained or lost from nothing”.  Creation Ex Nihilo is magic.  Creation Ex Nihilo is unpredictable, unreliable, non-demonstrable, non-replicable, and uncontrollable.  What’s to guarantee that you are going to get energy from nothing?  You could just as easily get nothing from nothing.  You could just as easily get concrete from nothing.  Creation Ex Nihilo is BAD SCIENCE.  It completely lacks explanatory power.  Why is he going to get dark energy from nothing rather than new physical matter or new gravity waves?  With Creation Ex Nihilo, he can’t explain why nothing is producing dark energy rather than producing something else like spirit matter or entropy.  Creation Ex Nihilo violates the First Law of Thermodynamics.  By his own admission, his explanation for the causal origin of Dark Energy violates the First Law of Thermodynamics or the Conservation of Energy.  The observed and experienced science, or the truth, FALSIFIES what he says here at the end this video in this quote.

Creation by nothing from nothing doesn’t really explain anything.  Now does it?  Creation from nothing by nothing doesn’t explain why there is something.  Creation from nothing by nothing doesn’t explain how the Physical Constants got their precise finely-tuned values rather than some other random value.  Creation Ex Nihilo fails to satisfy.  It doesn’t explain what things are and how they work.  Creation Ex Nihilo can’t explain why there is something rather than nothing.

What if the truth is the exact opposite of everything that he said?  Wouldn’t that be something?

The Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Behaviorists, Determinists, and Atheists have a knack for finding and embracing everything that is false and everything that has been falsified by observational evidence and experiential evidence.  “The exact opposite of everything he said” can also be used to explain the causal origin of Dark Energy in a satisfactory way that actually makes logical sense.

His explanation for dark energy and expansion derives from his prior commitment to his chosen belief that God does not exist, that religion sucks, and that God cannot be the source of that new energy and work – a commitment and belief that requires a monumental leap of blind faith into nothing.  He is more than willing to reject the First Law of Thermodynamics and embrace Creation Ex Nihilo instead just so that he can continue to believe that God does not exist.  Self-deception works, and it works every time.  However, the only thing he got right in all of this is his claim that his intuition has gone completely out the window.  There’s always another way to look at things.

Spontaneous Generation, Chemical Evolution, Abiogenesis, or Creation Ex Nihilo is physically impossible.  It requires Syntropy, Psyche, Energy, Intelligence, and Supernatural Mechanisms in order to produce genomes, physical life, physical constants, physical matter, and physical laws.

Science of any kind requires a Scientist to do that science.  Work of any kind requires a Worker to do that work.

“Who is doing that work?”

God is doing that work.

“Where does the energy come from?”

It comes from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space.  How do we know that this Dark Energy or new energy is coming from the presence of God?  It’s because God revealed it to us.

I prefer God’s explanation for Dark Energy over the one given in this video.  When it comes to the causal origin of Dark Energy, I think this video is wrong and that God is right.  However, I link to this video and include this video in my archive because it’s one of the best explanations of Dark Energy that I have ever encountered.  He does an excellent job explaining what Dark Energy is and how it works despite the fact that he got its causal origin wrong.

God revealed to us that Dark Energy and Quantum Fields come from the Presence of God.

The Biblical God Jesus Christ talks about Dark Energy and Quantum Fields; but obviously, He doesn’t use the words “dark energy” or “quantum field” to describe the phenomenon.  He calls it the Light of Christ.  It’s the same thing in the end.  Energy or Syntropy can take on many different purposes and FORMS, including quantum fields, dark energy, dark matter, spirit matter, and physical matter.  Dark Energy, Syntropy, or the Light of Christ is the Primal Construct according to Jesus Christ.

Doctrine and Covenants 88: 3-13:

Wherefore, I now send upon you another Comforter, even upon you my friends, that it may abide in your hearts, even the Holy Spirit of promise; which other Comforter is the same that I promised unto my disciples, as is recorded in the testimony of John.  This Comforter is the promise which I give unto you of eternal life, even the glory of the celestial kingdom; which glory is that of the church of the Firstborn, even of God, the holiest of all, through Jesus Christ his Son — he that ascended up on high, as also he descended below all things, in that he comprehended all things, that he might be in all and through all things, the light of truth; which truth shineth.  This is the light of Christ.  As also he is in the sun, and the light of the sun, and the power thereof by which it was made.  As also he is in the moon, and is the light of the moon, and the power thereof by which it was made; as also the light of the stars, and the power thereof by which they were made; and the earth also, and the power thereof, even the earth upon which you stand.  And the light which shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understandings; which light proceedeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space — the light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of God who sitteth upon his throne, who is in the bosom of eternity, who is in the midst of all things.

This sounds like Dark Energy or Quantum Fields to me.  The Light of Christ fills the immensity of space.  Dark Energy or the Light of Christ is the Power by which the earth, moon, stars, and galaxies were made.  This Dark Energy was used to phase-shift or to quantum tunnel the planets, stars, and galaxies into existence whole.  It has been observed that galaxies form whole, in situ or in place.  Galaxy formation is the result of Quantum Mechanics or Syntropy, and NOT classical physics.  There’s NO such thing as a coalescing cloud of gas out in expanding space.  Hydrogen and helium gas do not coalesce.  Gas expands and disperses.  In order to get gas to coalesce, it would require some kind of external intervention from God in order to make it happen.



The Light of Christ (or Dark Energy) is some kind of quantum force by which everything was made.  It proceeds forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space.  It permeates everything in this physical universe.  It’s the stretching force or the expanding force of the universe.  It’s dark energy or invisible energy.  It’s the Priesthood Power of God.  Dark Energy is Syntropy.  Dark Energy is Quantum Mechanics.  Dark Energy is the Power by which the physical worlds and stars were made or phased into our physical reality.

Quantum Fields are energy fields; and, Quantum Fields fill the immensity of space.  Quantum Fields are also the Light of Christ.  Quantum Fields are the implementation of the Light of Christ.  In fact, many scientists believe that Dark Energy is just another Quantum Field – just like Gravity is a Quantum Field.  I believe they are right.  Quantum Fields proceed forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space.  Each one was designed and made with a different purpose and function in mind.  The Light of Christ is the Organizing Force of the universe.  Anything that was obviously organized obviously has an Organizer who organized it.  Our physical universe has obviously been organized.  At the most fundamental level, it is orderly rather than chaotic.

Dark Energy, Quantum Fields, and Gravity are subsumed somewhere and somehow within the Light of Christ.  Energy can take on many different FORMS.  Energy or Syntropy is conserved; but, Energy or Syntropy can take on many different FORMS such as spirit matter, physical matter, dark energy, gravity, magnetism, quantum fields, quantum waves, entropy, time, and psyche.  A huge infusion of Syntropy, Energy, or Mass will convert a particle of spirit matter into a particle of physical matter; and, physical matter is slowed down and made subject to space-time, or locality and entropy, by an infusion of Order, Energy, Structure, or Mass.  We will NEVER be able to accelerate physical matter faster than the speed-of-light because an infusion of Energy or Mass is what made it physical matter in the first place.

The Energy, Syntropy, Mass, Entropy, Passage of Time, and Locality have to be temporarily removed from physical matter in order to quantum tunnel that physical matter someplace else in this universe.  Adding more energy or mass to physical matter will only slow it down by making it more massive in the end.  According to the Theory of Relativity, at velocities faster than the speed-of-light, time stops and there is no passage of time – there is no entropy or no aging process.  In order to quantum tunnel physical matter instantaneously to the opposite side of the universe, the God’s stop the passage of time or temporarily remove the entropy from that physical matter.  Entropy was put into entropic physical matter by the Gods to prevent that physical matter from quantum tunneling away from us at will.  Entropy puts the brakes on.  Does it not?

It has been observed that the expansion of our universe is accelerating.  That means that the Gods are currently infusing massive amounts of Dark Energy or Syntropy into our physical universe in preparation for the next phase of its existence.  This observational truth and reality is proof positive that our physical universe is NOT a closed system.  There’s currently Energy coming into this physical universe from someplace else besides this physical universe.

Fascinating, is it not?  Well, I think it is.

I learned in the end that God knows what He’s talking about because He designed, organized, created, and made these things; and, He’s currently making good use of them to accomplish His purposes and goals.

The Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Behaviorists, Determinists, and Atheists use the Second Law of Thermodynamics or the Conservation of Entropy to FALSIFY the First Law of Thermodynamics, the Conservation of Energy, or the Conservation of God’s Psyche.  These people use entropy to falsify syntropy.  The Materialists and Naturalists erroneously teach and preach that entropy or death is conserved.  Do they not?

In contrast, God uses the First Law of Thermodynamics, Syntropy, the Atonement of Christ, Resurrection from Death, the Conservation of Energy, and the Conservation of Psyche to FALSIFY the Conservation of Entropy, the Conservation of Death, or the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

The First Law of Thermodynamics and the Second Law of Thermodynamics are mutually exclusive.  They both can’t be true simultaneously because they falsify each other.  Either the Conservation of Entropy is true, or the Conservation of Energy is true; but, they both can’t be true simultaneously because they contradict each other.

God states that Psyche, Intelligence, Life Force, or Energy is conserved.  God tells us that the First Law of Thermodynamics is true, which means that the Conservation of Entropy, the Conservation of Death, or the Second Law of Thermodynamics is false.

Doctrine and Covenants 93: 29-30:

Man was also in the beginning with God.  Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.  All truth is independent in that sphere in which God has placed it, to act for itself, as all intelligence also; otherwise there is no existence.

Psyche, Intelligence, or Energy cannot be created, and it cannot be destroyed.  It is eternal and everlasting.  It is always conserved, which means that Psyche or Energy is syntropic.  It has always existed, and it will always exist.  Psyche is the innate intelligence within all the different forms of energy which gives that energy the inherent ability to understand, follow, and obey God’s Laws and God’s Commands.  God states that Psyche or Energy or Intelligence is conserved, which means that entropy and entropic physical matter are NOT conserved.  The First Law of Thermodynamics FALSIFIES the Second Law of Thermodynamics; and vice versa, the Second Law of Thermodynamics FALSIFIES the First Law of Thermodynamics.  They both can’t be true.  Something has to give.

Study what the Second Law of Thermodynamics was designed to falsify and eliminate from science; and there, you will find the answer to life, the universe, and everything.  The Materialists, Naturalists, and Atheists use the Second Law of Thermodynamics to falsify the First Law of Thermodynamics.  God uses the First Law of Thermodynamics or Syntropy to falsify Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics.  You will have to decide for yourself who got their science right and who did not; but, I’m going with God on this one and not the Naturalists and Atheists.  I used to be a Materialist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist until the science convinced me that I was wrong.  Science is observation and experience.  The observations and experiences of the human race convinced me that I was wrong and that the revelations from God are true.

So, what is God’s purpose, work, or plan?

Moses 1: 37-39And the Lord God spake unto Moses, saying: The heavens, they are many, and they cannot be numbered unto man; but they are numbered unto me, for they are mine.  And as one earth shall pass away, and the heavens thereof even so shall another come; and there is no end to my works, neither to my words. For behold, this is my work and my glory — to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

God’s work, purpose, and glory is to bring to pass your physical immortality and eternal life in His presence.  Of course, He needs your cooperation to do so.

God isn’t hiding from us.  He’s telling us precisely what He is doing and why He is doing it.  Good enough!

As I see it, you’ve got to figure out what everything is before you can figure out what to do with it; and, you are NEVER going to figure out anything if you limit yourself exclusively to Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Classical Physics, and Entropy.  Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives will NEVER help you to figure out what things are and how they really work because Materialism and Naturalism of any kind are based upon a refusal to look at evidence and a refusal to accept the evidence that God has given us.  You will NEVER find the truth by refusing to look at evidence.  It’s physically impossible!

Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, and Atheism were designed to prevent us from discovering Psyche, Syntropy, Invisible Intangible Non-Physical Forces and Fields, Spirit Matter or Dark Matter, the Light of Christ or Dark Energy, and God.  The Second Law of Thermodynamics was designed to falsify the First Law of Thermodynamics.

A Quantum Model for Origins or a Syntropic Model for Origins actually explains Dark Matter and Dark Energy, and it explains the need for Dark Matter and Dark Energy; whereas, Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Classical Physics, and Entropy DO NOT.  The Dark Matter or Spirit Matter serves as the template or the blueprint for this physical creation; and, Dark Energy or the Light of Christ is the Power by which everything physical was made or brought into a physical existence.  Physical organization is an upgrade or a phase-shift from being exclusively spirit matter into having physical matter as well.  The physical planets, stars, and galaxies are born or made; and, Dark Energy or the Light of Christ is the Power by which they are born and become physical.

When it comes to the origins of this physical universe, the Biblical God Jesus Christ knows what He is talking about because He was there and made it happen.  Someone Psyche is required to collapse the wave functions; or, nothing happens in the first place.  This is what has been experienced and observed.

This ends up being a Quantum Model or a Syntropic Model for Origins because it based upon Quantum Mechanics, Phase-Shifting, Action at a Distance, Quantum Tunneling, and the First Law of Thermodynamics which states that Energy or Syntropy is conserved.  The Dark Energy or Syntropy has always existed and will always exist because it is conserved.  Syntropy or Dark Energy is the power by which our physical universe, physical matter, physical earth, physical sun, and physical galaxy were made.  By definition, in principle, only a God would have access to and control over Syntropy or Dark Energy.  We physical beings can’t get our hands on such a thing – not at the physical level at least.

You are going to have to decide for yourself who got their science right and who got their science wrong.  I KNOW what the observations and experiences of the human race as a whole are telling me, though.  God got His science right; and, the Naturalists and Atheists did not.

Dark Energy Expands Planets, Stars, and Universes


This section attempts to discover what Dark Energy is and what Dark Energy does.  Why does it exist, and how is it used?


How Will the Universe End?


This is the ultimate question, is it not?  Science attempts to predict how everything will turn out or how everything will end.

From one episode to the next, the host of PBS Space Time – Matt O’Dowd – does an excellent job presenting and explaining the materialistic, naturalistic, nihilistic, and atheistic religion or world-view.  If you want to know what these people truly believe, then this is the show for you.  It will give you something to falsify too, if you are so inclined.


How Will the Universe End?



How will our universe end?  Heat Death is Matt’s ongoing prediction from one episode of PBS Space Time to the next because he doesn’t believe in God and thinks that religion is silly.  Matt truly believes in Heat Death.  It’s his religion or belief system.  He’s even had T-shirts made to celebrate the fact that The Heat Death of the Universe Is Coming.


The Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Behaviorists, Determinists, Physical Reductionists, Classical Physicists, and Atheists teach and believe that Heat Death is unavoidable; but, are they right?  Is Entropy or the Second Law of Thermodynamics the fundamental LAW of the universe, or is there something more fundamental that these people are deliberately overlooking and ignoring?

In this and other episodes of Space Time, Matt repeatedly preaches and teaches the fundamental religion or the naturalistic and atheistic paradigm.  He teaches and believes that the Second Law of Thermodynamics is the dominant LAW of the universe, that all men must die, that physical matter is the only thing that matters, that when physical matter ends life ends, that life or consciousness is an emergent property of physical matter, that psyche and an after-life do not exist, that heat death is the dominant law of physics, and that heat death or entropy is ultimately conserved.  He takes a stand.  But is he right?  The Biblical God Jesus Christ repeatedly tells us that he is wrong.  So, who is right, and who got their science wrong?  If Matt is right, then Heat Death is coming and therefore your extinction is coming.  If he is wrong, Eternal Life is coming.  So, which one is actually coming, and which one is science fiction?

In other episodes Matt tells us that massive amounts new Dark Energy is being made from nothing as a part of expanding space-time.  His science is ultimately based upon nothing.  It’s Creation Ex Nihilo – the creation of something from nothing by Nothing.  He actually tells us that the Conservation of Energy no longer applies and no longer holds true in a universe based upon relativity and expanding space-time – the Dark Energy literally comes from nothing as space expands.  So, why is space expanding?  “Well, nothing is making it expand.”  Why is nothing making it expand rather than contract?  “Well, it just is.  Nothing has decided that it must be so.”  So, why is nothing filling our universe full of Dark Energy rather than concrete?  “Well, it just is.  Nothing knows what it is doing.”

That’s no explanation!  That’s religion and blind faith, not science!  In fact, it’s been falsified by Science.  Abiogenesis, Spontaneous Generation, Creation Ex Nihilo, Creation from Nothing, Creation by Entropy, Creation by Death, Creation by Random Fluctuations in Entropy, Creation by Quantum Fluctuations, Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Chemical Evolution, and the Theory of Evolution were FALSIFIED in 1859 by Louis Pasteur.  They’ve always been false and continue to be false because they are physically impossible.

Creation Ex Nihilo has no explanatory power; and in many of his videos, Matt actually uses Creation Ex Nihilo to falsify the First Law of Thermodynamics.  He uses nothing to falsify everything.  He has literally placed all of his faith into nothing.  However, my faith in God is no different than his faith in nothing, except that I believe that my God will conquer his nothing anytime that my God chooses to do so.

Creation Ex Nihilo is magic; and, even magic (if it were real) has to come from somewhere and from some type of Magician; otherwise, nothing would ever happen in the first place.  If you are a scientist, you have got to find some way to explain why there is something rather than nothing.  They can’t see it nor understand it because they don’t want to.  Someone Psyche or Someone Intelligent has to be behind it all; otherwise, nothing would ever happen.  God explains why we have Dark Energy filling our universe right now rather than concrete.  Nothing doesn’t explain it.  Nothing can’t explain it.  Nothing doesn’t explain anything.

I’ve learned to see things differently.  I’ve broken my fifty years of brainwashing and conditioning.  I’m no longer a Materialist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist.  Science itself convinced me that I was wrong.  Science convinced me that God exists.  Science is observation and experience.  Observation and experience explain why there is something rather than nothing.  The Biblical God Jesus Christ has been experienced and observed after He rose from the dead.  Psyche has been experienced and observed by Out-of-Body Travelers and Near-Death Experiencers.  Science is observation and experience, not philosophical speculation and wishful thinking.

The ongoing idea – that the expansion of our physical universe is accelerating along with the observation that our physical earth seems to be expanding or growing – suggests that some type of invisible energy or intangible energy is currently being infused into our physical universe and into our physical earth from someplace else besides our physical universe.  These scientific observations suggest that Dark Energy is transdimensional or quantum in nature and origin rather than having some kind of physical origin or physical cause.  With Dark Matter and Dark Energy, there’s more than meets the eye.

I believe that the Conservation of Energy or the Conservation of Psyche is the Fundamental Law of Reality.  Given the fact that our universe is currently expanding faster than the speed-of-light and given the fact that an infusion of Dark Energy is driving that expansion, imagine how many planets, stars, and galaxies the Gods will be able to make out of all that brand-new Dark Energy once the Gods finally choose to do so.

The people who made all of this stuff that we see around us have other plans for it besides heat death.  It’s impossible for it to end in heat death thanks to the Conservation of Energy or the First Law of Thermodynamics.  After the New Heaven and the New Earth – after the resurrection – there shall be no more death.

Revelation 21:  1-7:

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.  And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.  And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. And he said unto me, It is done.  I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.  I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

God tells us that these words are true and faithful, which means that they are guaranteed.  The Revelator saw it in vision.  It has happened before, and it will happen again.  The contrast between the New Heaven and heat death couldn’t be more stark or extreme.  They are mutually exclusive.  The one falsifies the other.  So, which one is true?

Entropy is death.  After the New Heaven and the New Earth – after the resurrection – there shall be no more death.  That includes heat death.  No more heat death!  No more entropy!  The only way that’s physically possible is if the Conservation of Energy or the Conservation of Psyche is the dominant LAW of the multiverse.  The only way to end death, including heat death, is to eliminate entropy or the second law of thermodynamics with some type of Psyche, Intelligence, Information, Energy, Life Force, Structure, Organization, or Syntropy.

According to the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics, heat death or entropy doesn’t exist at the quantum level in the Quantum Realm or the Psyche Realm, which means that heat death technically doesn’t exist at the physical level either because the physical level is based upon and made from the quantum level.  Heat death or entropy is simply an illusion or a figment of the imagination.  Entropy or death is temporary, meaning that entropy or death is temporal rather than quantum or spiritual.  Entropic physical matter is not conserved.  This is what has been observed.

In the Quantum Realm, we observe that Syntropy, Psyche, Life Force, or the Conservation of Energy reigns supreme.  Syntropy, Psyche, or Energy makes the end-of-death possible, including the end of heat death or the end of entropy, because Psyche and Energy are always conserved.

God says that He is going to put an end to death.  That means that He is going to put an end to entropy or heat death.  I believe God can do it.  The Law of the Conservation of Energy tells me that He can do it.  The Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics and the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics tell me that He can do it.  Syntropy tells me that He can do it.  Psyche or Intelligence tells me that He can do it.  All of that new Dark Energy currently being infused into our physical universe from someplace else tells me that He can do it.  God says that He can do it.  He would know.  Entropy is death.  God made entropy or death, so He can get rid of it at will anytime He wants to.  Physical matter and entropy are NOT conserved, which means that death is NOT conserved.

According to God, that massive ongoing infusion of Dark Energy from some other dimension is in preparation for something wonderful and new in our little corner of space-time.  Heat death is impossible at the quantum level, which means that heat death is also technically impossible at the physical level.  It’s not going to hold!  Even at maximum entropy, all of the energy is still there waiting to be reused by Someone Psyche.  Psyche is Intelligence.  Intelligence, information, or knowledge is all that’s needed to overcome entropy.  Psyche is Energy.  Energy is all that’s needed to overcome entropy.  Psyche or Life Force is Syntropy.  Life Force is all that’s needed to overcome entropy or death.  Syntropy is all that’s needed to overcome entropy.  It’s not going to end in heat death.

Heat death is impossible at the quantum level which means that heat death is ultimately impossible at the physical level.  That’s the revelation that I received.  We need to make a T-shirt that says that “Heat Death Is Impossible” because that is what has actually been experienced and observed.

Even under their Heat Death Model, the universe, space, and the quantum fields continue to exist.  The space or the vacuum is still there full of quantum fields from one end of the universe to the other.  Quantum fields are organized energy.  Quantum fields are the fundamental construct; and, they are constructed from energy by Someone Psyche or Someone Intelligent.  Quantum fields are maintained by Someone Psyche.  Psyche is the innate intelligence within all the different forms of energy which gives that energy the inherent ability to understand, follow, and obey God’s Laws and God’s Commands.  Even at maximum entropy, ALL of the energy is still there and so is the psyche within it.  Ultimately heat death cannot prevail so long as Energy or Psyche is conserved.

Mark My Words

A Psyche Ontology


A Psyche Ontology or the Ultimate Model of Reality states that Psyche, Intelligence, or Non-Local Consciousness is the fundamental unit of Reality, Existence, Personality, and Individuality.  Psyche is Energy; and, Energy is psychic.  God is Light; and, God is in the light.  The glory of God is intelligence, or light and truth.

The Law of Psyche or a Psyche Ontology states that Psyche, Intelligence, or Life Force is the fundamental unit of reality, the fundamental force in the universe, and the organizing force of the universe at all levels of existence.  Psyche is the innate intelligence within all the different forms of energy which gives that energy the inherent ability to understand, follow, and obey God’s Laws and God’s Commands.  Psyche or Life Force explains why there is something rather than nothing.

Psyche or the Life Force seems to have its own unique quantum field or network through which transpersonal communication or psyche-to-psyche communication is made possible.  It’s as if each individual Psyche has its own unique telephone line or web site on this psychic network or psychic quantum field.  Telepathy is WiFi at the quantum level.  All of this has been experienced and observed.  Science is observation and experience after all.

Psyche is Energy; and, Energy is psychic.  Your Psyche or Intelligence is eternal and everlasting.  Like Energy, your Psyche cannot be made, and it cannot be destroyed.  Your Psyche, Intelligence, Life Force, or Personality is always conserved.  Remember, Psyche or Life Force is the Organizing Force of the Universe.  This is what has been experienced and observed.  Psyche or Energy is always conserved.

I start with what has been experienced and observed; and then, I try to find a scientific explanation for all of it.  After the death of your physical body comes the Eternal Life of your Intelligence or Psyche.  This is what has been experienced and observed.  After the heat death of our physical universe comes the Eternal Life of Our Universe, or the Conservation of Energy and Psyche, assuming that the heat death of our physical universe actually comes.  According to God and the Atonement of Jesus Christ, after death comes resurrection and immortality, and this reality applies on a universal scale.  The Gods can raise anything from the dead anytime they choose to do so.

How is that possible?

E = mc2 works both ways!  The Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists erroneously teach and believe that E = mc2 is a one-way process and that entropy, heat death, death, physical reality, and entropic physical matter are ultimately conserved.  These people are wrong.  According to this equation, the Gods can make spirit matter, dark matter, syntropic physical matter, spiritual matter, entropic physical matter, and resurrected physical matter from Dark Energy anytime they choose to do so.  Furthermore, according to this equation, the Gods can turn entropic physical matter back into Raw Energy, or Available Energy, or Dark Energy anytime they choose to do so!  That’s how things really work at the quantum level.

E = mc2 is the Conservation of Energy or the Conservation of Psyche; and, it ultimately falsifies and defeats the second law of thermodynamics, death, heat death, and entropy.  That’s GOOD SCIENCE because it has actually been experienced and observed.  The Conservation of Energy is the Fundamental Law of Reality and Existence.  Psyche is Energy; and, Energy is psychic.  This is what has been experienced and observed.  Psyche or the Life Force has been experienced and observed by Out-of-Body Travelers and Near-Death Experiencers.  Psyche is experienced as an immaterial viewpoint in space; and, Psyche is observed or seen as a pinprick of light, a point particle of light, or a spark of light.

According to the Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics, physical matter and entropy are NOT conserved.  This is what has actually been experienced and observed.  Their quantity is changing all the time!  Entropic physical matter is made and destroyed all the time.  Entropic physical matter is made from different forms of energy; and, the FORM is never conserved.

According to the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics, heat death doesn’t apply to your psyche or life force; and, heat death doesn’t apply to God’s Psyche or God’s Life Force either.

According to the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics, heat death is impossible at the quantum level in the Quantum Realm.  Entropy or the second law of thermodynamics doesn’t exist at the psyche level or the quantum level in the Quantum Realm, Psyche Realm, or Spirit World which means that entropy won’t prevail at the physical level either.  This is what has been experienced and observed.  Resurrection from death has been experienced and observed.

God made entropy and entropic physical matter; and, He can get rid of them anytime He chooses to do so.  The Atonement of Christ overcomes, defeats, and eliminates entropy, death, and heat death at will.  That’s why the Atonement of Christ exists.  This is what has been experienced and observed.

Do you see how that works?

This is GOOD SCIENCE!  It’s the answer to life, the universe, and everything.  It explains everything that has ever been experienced and observed.  Does it not?

It’s a bit more satisfying and explanatory than Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, Creation Ex Nihilo, and the Heat Death of our Universe.  Is it not?  It explains why there is something rather than nothing.

According to the “Heat Death of Our Universe Model” or Entropy Model, our physical universe shouldn’t exist in the first place; yet it does exist, which means that there’s something fundamentally wrong with the Heat Death of Our Universe, Entropy, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics.  This is logical common sense and is based upon what has already been experienced and observed.  Syntropy, the Law of Psyche, the Atonement of Christ, the Resurrection, the First Law of Thermodynamics, the Conservation of Energy and Psyche, the Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics, and the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics FALSIFY and defeat heat death, entropy, death, and the second law of thermodynamics.

Entropy and entropic physical matter couldn’t exist and wouldn’t exist without some kind of Syntropy or Organizing Force in this universe.  Psyche or Intelligence is the fundamental unit of Reality and Existence as well as the Organizing Force of the Universe on both sides of the veil – both on the physical side and on the spiritual quantum side.  Psyche, Intelligence, Energy, or Life Force can overcome disorder and entropy at will.  This has already been experienced and observed.

Whenever a Human Psyche (one of the Gods) enters into a non-consensus realm in the Spirit World, the spirit matter and energy within that realm organizes according to the demands, commands, and expectations of that Human Psyche.  The psyche within spirit matter and energy reads the mind of the Human Psyche and then organizes itself accordingly.  Psyche really is the Organizing Force of the Universe at every level of existence.  This is what has been experienced and observed.

I just provided you with the answer to life, the universe, and everything.  Did I not?  What has been mentioned here explains everything that has ever been experienced and observed.

Mark My Words


Quantum Fields: The Real Building Blocks of the Universe



Quantum fields forever!  I want to meet the guy who made, organized, and maintains the quantum fields.  Then I think we’ll finally be getting somewhere.  Building blocks need a Builder; otherwise, nothing will ever be made from them.  Building blocks also need a Maker; otherwise, they would never exist in the first place.  I want to meet the Builder and the Maker of the real building blocks of the universe.  I want to meet the guy who maintains them and is keeping them going.  That’s the guy who knows how to do science for real.  Remember, the Gods are scientists, not magicians.  The Gods know how to do science.  They can science anything they want, including an end to heat death.

Mark My Words


The Growing Universe




The expansion of our universe is not in dispute.  The scientists are in complete agreement that our physical universe is growing and expanding.  The thing that is in dispute is the mechanism behind the expansion or the growth.  Where’s all of that extra energy coming from?  The expansion of our universe isn’t slowing down – it’s accelerating.  The only way that’s logically possible is if our physical universe as a whole is currently receiving a massive infusion of energy or mass from someplace besides our physical universe.  This is just logical common sense.

Of course, contrary to rational common sense, the Naturalists and Atheists on PBS assure us that the new dark energy is coming from nothing and is just an emergent property of expanding space-time.  They assure us that the conservation of energy doesn’t apply in expanding space-time and that the new dark energy is being made from nothing as space expands.  These people use Creation Ex Nihilo to falsify the First Law of Thermodynamics or the Conservation of Energy.  Anything but God!  Creation Ex Nihilo is magic.  If you buy the magic, then you’re definitely an atheist.  I don’t buy it.  I believe that the First Law of Thermodynamics or the Conservation of Energy falsifies Creation Ex Nihilo.  To each their own.  The best I can do is to present the evidence and then let you make up your own mind what you want to believe.  Your beliefs are chosen into existence by your Human Psyche on both sides of the veil – both the physical side and the spiritual side.


The Growing Earth










The Theory of Plate Tectonics is in dispute.  Obviously, there are crustal plates that we call continents; and equally obvious, crust floats on mantle.  The part of Plate Tectonics that is in dispute derives from the fact that there is NO subduction.  The Theory of Plate Tectonics relies upon subduction for the formation of new crust.  There is NO subduction.  There’s just the constantly stretching and growing earth taking place towards the center of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.  As the earth expands and grows, the crust buckles or settles thereby forming mountains – not along the coastlines but inward towards the middle of the continents as we observe.  Buckling of the crust forms mountains, not subduction.  There is no subduction.  That is what has been experienced and observed.  The Growing Earth Theory actually has more explanatory power than Plate Tectonics; and, the Growing Earth Theory actually fits better with observational evidence than Plate Tectonics.

I define Science as observation and experience; so, the observations have had an influence on me in recent years whereas the philosophical speculation and wishful thinking not so much.  Most of our scientists define science as Physicalism, Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, and Atheism.  These things have never been experienced nor observed.  They are in dispute.  They are pure philosophy – nothing but wishful thinking.  These people do science by Community Consensus, Groupthink, and Popular Vote – not observation and experience.  Instead, I choose to go with the observations and the experiences that falsify Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Atheism, and their derivatives.  I personally find the observations, and the experiences, and the scientific experiments more convincing than the wishful thinking and philosophical speculation of the Physicalists, Darwinists, Atheists, and Scientific Naturalists.

Of course, the Expanding Earth Theory is also in dispute.  It happens so slowly that the claim has been made that it has never been experienced nor observed.  I do find the circumstantial evidence compelling, nonetheless.  It would explain why we still have a magnetic field acting as a force field to protect us from the sun after billions of years of time.


Planets and Stars Are Made










Dark energy or the light of Christ is the power by which the planets and stars were made.  It takes a massive infusion of dark energy, the light of Christ, or vacuum energy to give birth to a physical planet, or a physical star, or a physical galaxy.  The raw energy is there waiting to be used.  We look through our telescopes and we observe that physical galaxies are born all at once, and then they start to wind up from there.  It takes a massive infusion of dark energy, the light of Christ, or vacuum energy to stretch and expand a physical universe as is currently happening to our physical universe.  It takes a constant infusion of dark energy, the light of Christ, or vacuum energy to make our physical earth expand and grow.  The magnetic field within the earth is often used to explain how physical matter is made within our earth.  Dark energy could indeed be another source of energy for the production of physical matter within our earth especially during the times when our earth doesn’t have a strong magnetic field.  The explanatory power of dark energy or the light of Christ is impressive.  It proves that our physical universe is not a closed system but is currently being made and formed by the Gods.

Since it appears that the Gods are currently infusing new raw energy into this physical universe from someplace else besides this physical universe, the Gods can form that new energy into new planets, stars, and galaxies essentially for all eternity which means that our physical universe could be sustained and kept in existence essentially for forever constantly growing and expanding forever out into the chaos that preceded the formation of our physical universe in this region of reality.

Add to that the Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics which states that Energy, Psyche or Syntropy is conserved – not physical matter and not entropy; and, we find ourselves looking at the answer to life, the universe, and everything.  The Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics explains everything that we have ever experienced or observed.  Physical matter, spirit matter, physical laws, physical constants, gravity, magnetism, visible light, photons, the nuclear forces, invisible intangible forces and fields, quantum waves, space-time, space or locality, time or entropy, and the vacuum energy or zero-point field of light are different FORMS of energy.  According to the Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics, the FORM is never conserved.  The Gods can change one FORM into a completely different FORM anytime they choose to do so.  Only the underlying Psyche or Energy is being conserved.  Psyche or Energy is syntropic which means that it is eternal and everlasting, which means that it’s always being conserved.

In contrast, the different FORMS of energy were formed by the Gods, including physical matter and entropy, which means that they can be eliminated by the Gods and formed into something else instead.  The Gods can form energy into anything, including physical matter and entropy, which means that they can transform physical matter and entropy into something else or turn it back into raw unorganized energy anytime that they see fit to do so.  The FORM is never conserved.  The underlying psyche or energy is conserved.  Psyche is the intelligence within all the different forms of energy that have ever been experienced or observed.  Psyche, Intelligence, Consciousness, or Energy is conserved.  Syntropy is the conservation of energy.  This is the Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics.

Physical matter and entropy are never conserved.  Their amount is constantly being changed by the Gods.  Physical matter and the associated entropy are made or caused to begin by the Gods; and, these things can and do cease to exist whenever the Gods convert them back into raw syntropic energy or into some other FORM of energy.  Human beings, the children of the Gods, create new physical matter and entropy in their particle accelerators or atom smashers.  Human beings also destroy physical matter and entropy in their atomic bombs by converting them back into raw energy.  Physical matter and entropy are never conserved.  It’s the underlying Energy or Psyche that’s being conserved.

The Gods can’t make energy or psyche, and they can’t destroy energy or psyche, which means that your psyche and the choices that your psyche makes are being conserved.  Your psyche is syntropic which means that it has always existed and will always exist because it cannot be destroyed because it is constantly being conserved.

The Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics is the answer to life, the universe, and everything.  Physical matter and entropy are never conserved; whereas, the underlying energy or psyche is syntropic which means that it is always conserved.  This explains everything that has ever been experienced and observed.

The intelligent and purposeful construction or production of physical matter from energy is a lot more scientific, demonstrable, parsimonious, credible, and believable than the “spontaneous generation” of Materialism and Naturalism or the “creation ex nihilo” of Atheism.  Construction of physical matter from energy doesn’t violate the First Law of Thermodynamics; whereas, creation ex nihilo does.  Atheism is creation from nothing by nothing.  Atheism is creation ex nihilo.  Atheism violates the First Law of Thermodynamics; whereas, the intelligent and purposeful organization of energy into different forms of energy such as physical matter and entropy does not violate the First Law of Thermodynamics.

Furthermore, Naturalism, Darwinism, Materialism, and Physicalism are spontaneous generation or abiogenesis, which violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics.  Chemical evolution and macro-evolution are prevented from happening by entropy.  However, the telekinetic organization or intelligent organization of physical matter into proteins and genes does not violate the Second Law of Thermodynamics.  Intelligent beings are able to form physical matter into different things.  It has been experienced and observed; whereas, spontaneous generation, abiogenesis, chemical evolution, and macro-evolution have never been experienced nor observed.

Materialism, Physicalism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Physical Reductionism, and Atheism were designed to prevent us from discovering the Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics.  These people erroneously teach that physical matter or entropy is the only thing that exists, which means that these people erroneously teach that physical matter and entropy are being conserved.  Entropy is death; and, these people literally teach that death is being conserved.  That’s what they really teach, is it not?  These people deny the existence of Psyche or Syntropy or Intelligence or Life Force; and, they instead teach that physical matter or entropy is the only thing that exists, and that physical matter and entropy are being conserved.

They are wrong.

Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism are falsified by the truth; whereas, the truth is repeatedly experienced and observed.

The falsified philosophies of Naturalism, Darwinism, and Atheism were designed to prevent us from discovering Psyche, Syntropy, Intelligence, Eternal Life, Immortality, Quantum Mechanics, Non-Locality, God, and the Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics.

Mark My Words


Birth of Our Earth


The birth of our earth has been seen in vision.  Some of the prophets of God have been shown in vision how it was done.

Enoch wrote:

I had a vision from God, and I saw and felt the birth of our physical earth in this vision.

It was an oh-wow type of an experience.  So, that’s how it was done!

It was fast, like an infusion of energy from the universe while at the same time being phase-shifted from the spiritual into the physical.  I could see and feel the earth being lifted up from the spiritual into the physical; and, I could also see and feel rays of energy coming in from all directions converging on our earth and making it physical.  Our earth was born.  Our earth was made.  It was a quantum mechanical process, not a physical process.  In other words, it was a spiritual process and not a physical process.  It was a birth.

The revelation was that physical matter, physical genomes, physical proteins, physical planets, physical stars, physical galaxies, and physical universes are made by the Gods.  They are made whole all at once.  They don’t coalesce out of expanding clouds of gas.  They wouldn’t coalesce out of expanding energy either.  Expanding clouds of gas don’t ever coalesce naturally under the effects of gravity.  That’s the revelation or the insight that I received.

Physical matter is made from energy.  Physical matter is just a different form of energy.  The energy is eternal.  Energy cannot be made nor destroyed.  However, physical matter is made, which means that it can also be destroyed or come to an end.  Energy is syntropic; whereas, physical matter is entropic.  Syntropy is eternal life; whereas, entropy is death.  Birth and death are the signs of entropy.  Eternal life is the surest sign of syntropy.  Raw energy is unorganized mass or unorganized matter.  Raw energy hasn’t been organized yet.  It hasn’t been given a physical form.  Energy is matter unorganized.  The Gods can form energy into anything including physical matter; but, the Gods can’t create nor destroy energy.  The energy has always existed meaning that the energy is conserved.

Psyche or intelligence is the innate life force within all the different forms of energy.  This psyche or life force gives energy the ability to obey God’s commands and God’s laws.  This is a different way of looking at science that is totally consistent with the first law of thermodynamics.  It also allows or permits the second law of thermodynamics or entropy.  It teaches that entropy only applies to physical matter.  Entropy and physical matter are made by the Gods.  In contrast, energy is syntropic which means that energy is conserved thereby making energy eternal and everlasting.

The idea that we are star stuff is actually false.  A lot of people love that idea even though it is physically impossible.  There’s no way in the universe that clouds of gas, expanding out into space after a super nova, will ever coalesce into a planet or another sun.  In fact, our whole universe is currently expanding faster under the influence of dark energy than it is coalescing or converging under the influence of gravity.  God actually has to place huge amounts of spirit matter or dark matter around galaxies to keep them from flying apart into space.  The idea that planets, stars, and galaxies coalesce out of expanding clouds of gas and physical matter is nothing but science fiction.  That’s not the way planets, stars, and galaxies are made.  Gravity simply is not an adequate mechanism for getting expanding clouds of gas and physical matter to coalesce into planets, stars, and galaxies.  There has to be a better way.

Now granted, the Gods have sufficient power and ability to take expanding clouds of gas and force them to coalesce into planets and stars.  That’s one way that the creation of planets and stars can be done; however, that’s not the way it was done in the vision that I had.  The physical matter was made in place whole during the birth of our earth.  It was fast.  It was a transition or a phase shift from the spiritual to the physical.  There wasn’t any cloud of gas.  Our earth didn’t coalesce out of gas.  It was too fast for those incoming rays of energy to have been physical matter.  Physical matter cannot move at the speed-of-light.  The dark energy, infusion of mass, or rays of energy came in straight from all directions converging on our earth all at once producing the physical matter for our earth instantaneously.

It was dark.  There wasn’t any sunlight.  There wasn’t any starlight.  The newborn earth was dark and void.  It was just an infusion of raw mass or raw energy from all directions all at once.  It was a birth.  The physical matter for our earth came into existence all at once.  It was nothing like the way we scientists typically visualize planets and stars slowly coalescing out of a huge swirling cloud of gas under the effects of gravity and mutual attraction between atoms and rocks, all lit up by the newborn sun in the center of that swirling cloud of gas.  It was a birth.

It was a vision.  It was seen and felt; and, it was completely unexpected.  It had all the hallmarks of a vision.

I know what I saw and felt in the vision.  What I don’t know is if I have successfully described the event in terms of today’s scientific knowledge and vocabulary.  I did the best I could, though, given what I know of science.



Our earth was made.  It didn’t coalesce out of a swirling cloud of gas.  Dark energy is stronger than gravity; therefore, expanding clouds of gas will never coalesce into planets, stars, and galaxies.  Furthermore, hydrogen molecules and helium atoms naturally repel each other.  They will never coalesce into planets, stars, and galaxies under the influence of gravity.

Entropic physical matter is made from energy.  Proteins and genes are made from physical matter.  Planets, stars, and galaxies are made – either through birth into physical mortality by quantum processes or through the forceful concentration of expanding clouds of gas by quantum processes.  They don’t just spontaneously generate out of thin air; and, they don’t coalesce out of expanding clouds of gas through natural processes.  They are made.  Anything that is obviously made obviously has a Maker who made it.  Anything that has a beginning has Someone Psyche or Someone Intelligent who caused it to begin.  This is the way things work.

Only Energy, Psyche, or Intelligence is eternal and everlasting without a beginning or an end.  Only Energy, Psyche, or Intelligence is conserved.  Psyche is the innate intelligence or life force within all the different forms of energy.  It is syntropic which means that it is conserved.  The fact that physical matter and entropy are not conserved whereas Psyche and Energy are conserved ends up being the answer to life, the universe, and everything.  It explains everything that we humans have ever experienced or observed.

Things that Act and Things that Are Acted Upon


According to the Biblical God Jesus Christ, there are things that act and things that are acted upon.

2 Nephi 2: 11-16, 25-29:

For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. If not so, my firstborn in the wilderness, righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility. Wherefore, it must needs have been created for a thing of naught; wherefore there would have been no purpose in the end of its creation. Wherefore, this thing must needs destroy the wisdom of God and his eternal purposes, and also the power, and the mercy, and the justice of God. And if ye shall say there is no law, ye shall also say there is no sin. If ye shall say there is no sin, ye shall also say there is no righteousness. And if there be no righteousness there be no happiness. And if there be no righteousness nor happiness there be no punishment nor misery. And if these things are not there is no God. And if there is no God we are not, neither the earth; for there could have been no creation of things, neither to act nor to be acted upon; wherefore, all things must have vanished away. And now, my sons, I speak unto you these things for your profit and learning; for there is a God, and he hath created all things, both the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are, both things to act and things to be acted upon. And to bring about his eternal purposes in the end of man, after he had created our first parents, and the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and in fine, all things which are created, it must needs be that there was an opposition; even the forbidden fruit in opposition to the tree of life; the one being sweet and the other bitter. Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself. Wherefore, man could not act for himself save it should be that he was enticed by the one or the other. Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy. And the Messiah cometh in the fulness of time, that he may redeem the children of men from the fall. And because that they are redeemed from the fall they have become free forever, knowing good from evil; to act for themselves and not to be acted upon, save it be by the punishment of the law at the great and last day, according to the commandments which God hath given. Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself. And now, my sons, I would that ye should look to the great Mediator, and hearken unto his great commandments; and be faithful unto his words, and choose eternal life, according to the will of his Holy Spirit; and not choose eternal death, according to the will of the flesh and the evil which is therein, which giveth the spirit of the devil power to captivate, to bring you down to hell, that he may reign over you in his own kingdom.

This description of reality from 600 B.C. matches with observational reality or the scientific evidence that we now have on hand as a race.

From what I have been able to tell, Psyche or Intelligence CHOOSES or ACTS; whereas, the different types of matter simply REACT.  In other words, Energy is Syntropy, eternal and everlasting without a beginning of days or an end of years; whereas, the different types of matter or different forms of matter are MADE and therefore have some type of beginning.  Energy or Syntropy is conserved according to the first law of thermodynamics; but, the amount of physical matter or entropy changes according to the second law of thermodynamics.

There’s also corruption and incorruption when it comes to matter.  Entropic matter or physical matter gets filled with corruption or entropy; whereas, syntropic matter or spirit matter is incorruptible, eternal, and everlasting in nature.  Entropic matter or physical matter has been made subject to the passage of time and localized into space; whereas, syntropic matter, dark matter, or spirit matter is ageless, timeless, eternal, and based upon quantum mechanics.

According to the Biblical God Jesus Christ, this is how things really work when it comes to this universe and all the different objects within it.  I choose to believe that God knows what He is talking about, whereas the Naturalists and Atheists do not.

Conclusions Regarding Dark Matter and Dark Energy


Materialism, Physicalism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Classical Physics, and Atheism formally claim that invisible non-physical forces and fields such as Dark Energy and Psyche DO NOT EXIST.

Are these people right; or, did they get their science wrong?

The scientists who discovered Dark Matter and Dark Energy knew for a fact that the discovery of Dark Matter and Dark Energy falsifies the claims of Physicalism and Scientific Naturalism which state that invisible non-physical forces and fields such as Dark Matter and Dark Energy DO NOT EXIST.  The scientists who discovered Dark Matter and Dark Energy didn’t care that these different types of Organized Energy or Organized Syntropy falsify Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives.  These scientists were only interested in finding and knowing the truth.

Materialism, Darwinism, and Naturalism are Bad Science.  How does claiming that Dark Matter and Dark Energy DO NOT EXIST explain scientifically what they are and how they work?  It doesn’t!  It can’t!  Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and Atheism completely lack explanatory power whenever it comes time to explain how Psyche, Consciousness, After-Death Memories, Non-Locality, Quantum Mechanics, Supernatural Mechanisms, Syntropy, Action at a Distance, and Invisible Non-Physical Forces and Fields work, what they are, and why they can’t be seen with the naked eye.

British TV Documentary, “Edge of the Universe”, 2008, Season 1 Episode 3, “Final Frontier”.

Space can be twisted out of shape by the massive, unseen force of gravity.

There’s nowhere near enough matter in all these galaxies to pull the universe into a curved shape.  But more alarmingly, there is only a fraction of the matter required to keep it flat.  To make sense of his unexpected discovery, Brian Boyle has invoked two of the most mysterious forces in the universe:  dark matter and dark energy.

Although the galaxy survey has only found one third of the mass required to make the universe flat, we now believe that the remaining two thirds of the matter energy in the universe is contained in this so-called dark energy.

Astronomers have long speculated that, in addition to the familiar matter of stars and planets, there is a vast proportion of the universe that is invisible, made up of dark matter and dark energy.  But where’s the proof?  These forces are just theories.  Until now.

In one of the most remarkable discoveries of recent years, the evidence has been found in the microwave background radiation.  This radiation, which has travelled through space since the beginning of time, has confirmed the existence of these invisible cosmic forces.  In proving that the universe is flat, the microwave background has also confirmed that astronomers were right to assume the existence of dark energy and dark matter.  Everything we see is just a small fraction of the total cosmic mass.  Most of the universe is invisible.

Astronomers have discovered that galaxies are not only rushing apart from each other, they are gathering speed.  It seems that four billion years ago, the universe changed up a gear and ever since has been expanding faster and faster.  But what is the force driving this cosmic acceleration?

Now if it’s true that the rate of expansion is picking up, that suggests that there’s something like an antigravity force, something opposing the normal force of gravitation, the pulling force, something pushing galaxies apart faster and faster.  This antigravity force is dark energy.  Astronomers now believe the universe must be buzzing with this invisible energy.  Space, it seems, is far from empty.  We just can’t see what’s out there.  The unseen forces of the universe, gravity and dark energy, are locked in the ultimate battle.  At stake is the destiny of the universe.  Dark energy will defeat gravity and succeed in stretching the universe into oblivion.

This model we have requires dark energy that we’ve never seen, and dark matter which also we have never seen.  And the atoms that we know about are making up only 5% of the universe.

Somebody’s got their foot on the gas.  The rate of Dark Energy infusion increased noticeably four billion years ago.  Will our universe expand forever as the Naturalists and Atheists claim?  ONLY if the God who has his foot on the gas keeps applying the gas.  The observed fact that He put the pedal to the metal four billion years ago tells us that He can take his foot off the gas and apply the brakes anytime He wants to; and, if He runs out of gas, it will have the same effect as well.

Anything that we KNOW to exist, which is unseen or unseeable, will in fact be spiritual in nature or non-physical in nature.  Whenever Scientists use the words “unseen”, or “force”, or “field” to describe something, that particular “something” will in fact be immaterial, non-physical, and PROVE beyond a shadow of a doubt that Materialism or Scientific Naturalism is FALSE.

The tangible stuff that we can get our hands on makes up only 5% of this universe!  Materialism or Scientific Naturalism only covers 5% of the universe; and, the Materialists and Naturalists formally reject all the rest.  Not only does that make Materialism incomplete and FALSE, but that also makes Materialism or Scientific Naturalism BAD SCIENCE.

I used to be a Materialist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist.  I never understood Quantum Mechanics until after I got rid of My Materialism, Naturalism, Nihilism, and Atheism.  Physicalism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Classical Physics, and Atheism were designed to prevent us from understanding Quantum Mechanics or Syntropy because Quantum Mechanics is supernatural in nature and origin.

The Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Classical Physicists, and Atheists will assure you that I don’t understand Science.  They have told me many times that I don’t understand Science.  These people define “science” as Physicalism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution.  When it comes to Science, are these people right, or have they gotten their science wrong?

According to the Physicalists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists, dark matter and dark energy DO NOT EXIST.  According to these people, Psyche, Syntropy, Quantum Mechanisms, Supernatural Mechanisms, and Action at a Distance DO NOT EXIST.  According to these people, invisible non-physical forces and fields do not exist.  ONLY entropy or physical matter exists.  Are they right, or have the gotten their science wrong?

In order to be consistent, the Materialists and Naturalists must also insist that invisible non-physical forces and fields such as magnetism, gravity, the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, quantum waves, psyche, radio waves, micro waves, gamma rays, and x-rays DO NOT EXIST.  The fact that these different invisible non-physical forces and fields have been proven to exist is proof positive that the Materialists and Naturalists have gotten their science wrong.

Entropy, heat death, or thermal equilibrium is invisible, intangible, and technically non-physical; and, according to the Materialists and Naturalists, entropy does in fact exist.

So, what gives?

These people are hypocrites.  They allow the existence of the invisible and non-physical forces and fields that they like while at the same time denying the existence of the invisible and non-physical forces and fields that they don’t like.  These people deny the existence of any invisible non-physical force or field that proves that God exists or that falsifies Materialism and Naturalism.  Materialism and Naturalism are self-defeating because of all the internal contradictions, inconsistencies, discrepancies, hypocrisy, and falsified philosophy that are built into Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism.

Physicalism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, and their derivatives were designed to hide the truth from us.  They were designed to hide the observations and the experiences of the human race from us.  Physicalism and Naturalism were designed to hide the observational evidence, scientific evidence, experiential evidence, and eye-witness evidence from us.  They were designed to prevent us from making scientific discoveries that contradict them and prove them false.  They were designed to hide the science experiments that falsify Materialism, Naturalism, and Darwinism.  Physicalism and Naturalism were designed to contradict the observational evidence and experiential evidence that we have on hand as a race.  They were designed to hide the evidence and the truth from us so that we will never find it unless we deliberately go looking for it.

I have observed that the production of physical matter requires a massive infusion of Energy, Syntropy, or Mass – on both sides of the veil.  This massive infusion of Syntropy, Energy, Order, or Mass slows the particle down, localizing it in space and making it subject to entropy or the passage of time.  A massive infusion of Energy, Syntropy, or Mass forces a particle of spirit matter to be converted into a particle of physical matter and forces that newly born particle of physical matter to be subject to space-time limitations.

By definition, in principle, it has been observed that entropic physical matter is made by infusing a huge amount of Mass or Energy into a particle of spirit matter or a particle of dark matter thereby converting that particle of spirit matter into physical matter and locating it into space-time consequently making it subject to space-time, or locality and entropy.  Space results in locality; and, time results in entropy.  Entropy is a function of time.  Entropy is the result of a huge infusion of Energy, Syntropy, or Mass.  There is NO entropy in the Syntropic Realm or Quantum Realm where everything is everlasting, timeless, ageless, eternal, and conserved.

The Energy or Syntropy is conserved; whereas, the physical matter or entropy comes and goes as God sees fit.  Physical matter or entropy began, which means that it can theoretically come to an end when it is absorbed back into Syntropy or when it has all of that mass, or entropy, or energy removed.  Physical matter is produced by a massive infusion of Energy or Mass.  Remove all of that Energy, Mass, Structure, or Entropy, and that particle of physical matter will go back to being spirit matter instead.  This is the way things work in real life.  It explains everything, doesn’t it?

Energy or Syntropy or the First Law of Thermodynamics is the ANSWER to life, the universe, and everything.  Energy or Syntropy is conserved; and, a massive infusion of Energy, Syntropy, or Mass slows a particle of spirit matter down changing it into a particle of physical matter thereby making that newly created particle of physical matter subject to space-time, or locality and entropy.  This explains everything, doesn’t it?

Syntropy is the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

It is the amount of Energy or Syntropy that is being conserved or that remains constant; whereas, the amount of entropy and physical matter changes over time.  We actually create new physical matter in particle accelerators and atom smashers by converting energy into physical matter.  The amount of physical matter does NOT remain constant and is therefore NOT conserved.  Likewise, the amount of entropy or the age of a physical particle is changing all the time.  Only entropic physical matter is subject to entropy, locality, sub-light speed limitations, the aging process, the passage of time, quantum tunneling restrictions, and other physical limitations.  Everything else is Syntropy.  Everything else is timeless and ageless.  Everything else is conserved.

Energy or Syntropy is the RULE; and, physical matter or entropy is the exception to the rule.  Energy or Syntropy is conserved.  Energy or Syntropy is eternal and everlasting, without a beginning of days or an end of years.  Energy or Syntropy can change FORM; but, it is always conserved.  Energy or Syntropy can be formed into spirit matter; and, a huge massive infusion of Energy or Syntropy or Mass can change a particle of spirit matter into a particle of physical matter.  Remove all of that Energy, Entropy, or Mass, and that particle of physical matter will return to being an invisible non-physical particle of spirit matter or dark matter instead.  This is the answer to life, the universe, and everything.  It explains how everything works.

The Materialists, Naturalists, and Atheists will assure you that I got my science wrong and that I don’t understand science.  Are they right?  Or is there something extremely important that these people are missing?

I take Quantum Mechanics or Syntropy seriously; and, the Materialists, Naturalists, and Atheists do not.  That’s the main difference between us.  Instead, the Physicalists, Naturalists, and Atheists deny the existence of Psyche, Syntropy, and Supernatural Mechanics.  Quantum Mechanics is supernatural in nature and origin; and, the Scientific Naturalists deny this fact.

Instead, the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, and Atheists assure us that dark energy and dark matter DO NOT EXIST.  These people laugh at and ridicule the Light of Christ, the Quantum Sea of Light, the Zero-Point Field of Light, or Dark Energy.  These people laugh at and ridicule Spirit Matter or Dark Matter.  These people laugh at and ridicule Psyche or Syntropy.  Are they right, or did they get their science wrong?

Science is observation and experience.  Science is knowledge.  The Materialists and Naturalists are motivated to deny our observations and experiences so that they can say that God does not exist.  In other words, these people are motivated to deny the Scientific Evidence proving that Psyche, Syntropy, Action at a Distance, and God do exist, just so that they can convince themselves that God does not exist.  They have an agenda.  Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism are based upon a denial of Reality, a rejection of observational evidence, and a refusal to look at any evidence that falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, and Darwinism.  These people deliberately hide and destroy evidence in order to make their case and prove that Materialism and Naturalism are true.  These people are in denial all of their lives.  Self-deception works, and it works every time.  I KNOW because I used to be a Materialist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist.

How does saying that “Dark Matter and Dark Energy DO NOT EXIST” explain what they are and how they work?  It doesn’t!  Materialism and Naturalism are Bad Science in that they cannot explain dark matter and dark energy – what they are and how they work.  Materialism and Naturalism lack explanatory power when it comes to all the different invisible non-physical forces and fields that we scientists have discovered over the years.  Psyche or Consciousness is an invisible non-physical force or field.  So is dark energy, magnetism, and gravity.  The Materialists and Naturalists can’t explain Psyche or Consciousness in any way that makes logical sense.  Instead, these people assure us that Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Psyche, Syntropy, and Consciousness DO NOT EXIST.

How does saying that “Psyche, Syntropy, Quantum Mechanics, and Action at a Distance DO NOT EXIST” explain what they are and how they work?  It doesn’t!  Materialism and Naturalism are worthless because they can’t explain the observations and experiences associated with Psyche, Syntropy, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Tunneling, Phase-Shifting, the Quantum Zeno Effect, Collapsing Wave Functions, Supernatural Mechanisms, and Action at a Distance.

In contrast, once you choose to allow Psyche, Syntropy, and Quantum Mechanics in to play, you can literally explain everything that comes your way.  The explanatory power of Quantum Mechanics and Syntropy is through the roof to infinity and beyond.

Mark My Words

Source Material

God Is in the Light:  God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.


Science 2.0: I Upgraded My Science.



Quantum Neuroscience:  The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.


Quantum Mechanics from a Non-Physical Spiritual Perspective.
