Undiscovered Science

Science that Our Scientists Haven’t Discovered Yet


Our scientists erroneously believe that chance can design and create anything that it sets its mind to, if given enough time to do so. Our scientists haven’t yet discovered the Primary Axiom of Science and Statistics which states that chance cannot do causation. By definition, chance cannot do choice, correlation, design, creation, or causation. Once it starts doing so, then it is no longer chance, but has become some type of intelligent choice or deliberate causation instead. (See: https://stealth-ascendancy.com/the-science/).

The second law of thermodynamics erroneously states that the total amount of entropy or disorder in our universe is constantly increasing and that it can never decrease and go to zero.

This is not what we experience and observe. Is it? We don’t observe any of the things that the second law of thermodynamics predicts that we should be observing. We don’t observe proton decay. We don’t observe an ever-encroaching gray goo coming in at us from all sides. We don’t observe random chaos all around us. Instead, we observe order and organization all around us, all through us, and all throughout our universe. Why? It’s because the second law of thermodynamics is false.

Our scientists haven’t yet discovered that there is no correlation between disorder and thermodynamics. Furthermore, the second law of thermodynamics predicts that we shouldn’t be here. Yet, here we are. The very fact that we exist is obvious scientific proof that the second law of thermodynamics is false. The very fact that we exist suggests that our scientists are overlooking or rejecting something extremely important in Science, and they don’t even know it yet. (See: https://ultimate-law-of-thermodynamics.com/).

Thanks to the erroneous and falsified second law of thermodynamics, our scientists haven’t yet discovered Syntropy or the Perpetual Motion Cycle. They don’t know what this is, how it works, why it is important, or that it even exists. (See: https://syntropy.site/ or https://syntropy.website/).

Because of the second law of thermodynamics, our scientists haven’t truly studied and discovered Quantum Field Theory. These people don’t know yet that Quantum Field Theory falsifies the second law of thermodynamics. The massless, entropyless, heatless, intangible, non-physical quantum fields are the ultimate perpetual motion machines. The quantum fields permeate and fill the immensity of space, including the space within each physical atom. The quantum fields are the medium through which the different types of quantum waves travel and interact. The quantum fields are perfect order and organization at the quantum level in the non-physical transdimensional realm. The quantum fields are Pure Syntropy. Their very existence falsifies the second law of thermodynamics which predicts that the quantum fields shouldn’t exist.

Ever since the quantum fields were designed by the Gods and made by Nature’s Psyche or the Controlling Psyches within Nature, the quantum fields have been conserved because they are made from pure energy or exergy. The quantum fields will never get old and never wear out. The second law of thermodynamics will never be true as long as the quantum fields exist. You would have to destroy the perfectly ordered and organized quantum fields in order to make the second law of thermodynamics true. If you can do that, then you are a God. (See: https://stealth-ascendancy.com/the-science/).

Our scientists haven’t discovered any of this yet.

Our scientists haven’t discovered the Law of Psyche nor the Law of Quantum Information Conservation within Psyche. Each psyche or intelligence has a certain amount of energy that’s under its control, and that controlling psyche can form or transform the energy under its control into anything it wants that energy to be, anytime and anywhere that it chooses to do so. This is the Law of Psyche. (See: https://psyche-ontology.com/).

Energy contains information, and energy is infinitely malleable by psyche or intelligence. The energy and psyche are always conserved, but the form is never conserved. Energy’s form is infinitely malleable, and that reality applies to the information that is transmitted through quantum waves and stored within psyches. Energy and psyche are always conserved, but information is constantly formed and transformed by psyche or intelligence. This is what we have experienced and observed. Is it not? Psyche is the ultimate causal agent. Psyche is the ultimate chooser. Psyche is the fundamental unit of existence and reality. Psyche is the ultimate quantum information storage device. (See: https://ultimate-law-of-thermodynamics.com/).

Our scientists haven’t discovered any of this yet.

According to our physicists, the Quantum Law of Information Conservation has to be true, or Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory can’t possibly be true. Therefore, it is obvious that some type of quantum wave processor, quantum information processor, and quantum information storage device must exist at the quantum level in the transdimensional realm that is capable of making, transmitting, receiving, processing, analyzing, choosing among, and storing quantum waves or quantum information. Psyche is that quantum machine, quantum wave processor, or quantum information processor that causes the Law of Quantum Information Conservation within Psyche to be true. Psyche is the only quantum computer or quantum machine that we have experienced and observed at the quantum level. (See: https://psyche-ontology.com/psyche-experienced-and-observed/ and https://psyche-ontology.com/buhlman/).

Our scientists haven’t yet discovered and embraced the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics which states that there is no entropy, no resistance to acceleration, no aging process, no mass, no heat, and no thermodynamics at the quantum level in the transdimensional realm or the spirit world. It has been observed that superconductors, photons, and quantum waves function best and most efficiently at absolute zero temperature in the complete absence of thermodynamics or heat. Absolute zero temperature represents maximum efficiency and perfect conservation at the quantum level in the transdimensional realms. The quantum fields and quantum waves function best and most efficiently and most reliably in the complete absence of heat, mass, resistance to acceleration, or thermodynamics. Thermodynamics only exists at the physical level and is produced by the existence of mass or resistance to acceleration within the system. Entropy is mass’s heat storage capacity or resistance to acceleration. That doesn’t exist at the quantum level in the transdimensional or non-physical realms. (See: https://quantum-law-of-thermodynamics.com/).

Our scientists obviously haven’t discovered and fully embraced transdimensional physics or non-physical physics. Instead, most of them have convinced themselves that the non-physical does not exist. Nevertheless, the verified and proven existence of anything non-physical falsifies materialism, naturalism, nihilism, behaviorism, and atheism which unitedly claim that the non-physical does not exist. Photons, quantum waves, virtual particles or thoughts, quantum fields, space, time, radio waves, microwaves, x-rays, gravity, dark energy, non-local consciousness, action at a distance, quantum non-locality, quantum entanglement, quantum mechanisms, quantum tunneling, phase-shifting, the quantum zeno effect, the perpetual motion cycle, and magnetism are non-physical in nature and origin. Therefore, the non-physical obviously exists, which means that materialism, naturalism, nihilism, behaviorism, and atheism are obviously false.

Our scientists haven’t discovered how to falsify materialism and naturalism with observational evidence.  Until they do, they will never discover the truths in science that are waiting to be found.

Our scientists haven’t discovered any of this yet. Instead, they still erroneously believe on blind faith alone that the second law of thermodynamics is infallible and true. Discovering and embracing this new science will contribute greatly to the demise of materialism, naturalism, nihilism, physicalism, behaviorism, and their erroneous and falsified derivatives such as Darwinism, atheism, creation ex nihilo, creation by chance, the theory of evolution, and the second law of thermodynamics.

The false is falsified by the truth; and, the truth is repeatedly and constantly experienced and observed. That’s the way science should work. Science should be observation, experience, knowledge, and truth rather than the wishful thinking of the human race as it currently is within our society.

A few of us have discovered, embraced, and presented this new science to the world. It’s just sitting there now waiting for our scientists to discover it, learn to understand it, fully embrace it, and learn how to use it. But, it will never happen as long as people choose to hide behind materialism, naturalism, nihilism, and atheism instead. I know, because I used to be a materialist, naturalist, nihilist, and atheist. I was completely oblivious to all of this new science until I actually went looking for it in the first place. No seeking, then no finding. It’s that simple.

Mark My Words