Falsify 2nd Law

Falsifying the Second Law of Thermodynamics


The second law of thermodynamics states that the total amount of entropy or disorder in our universe is constantly increasing and that it can never decrease or go to zero.

I wish I had sufficient enough money to do a proper and complete statistical study.

I would like to discover how many scientists and how many people in this world KNOW that the Second Law of Thermodynamics is false.  I would like to know if there is a difference between the two.  Is the public aware of this and the scientists blind to it, or is it the other way around?

I would also like to discover how many scientists and how many people in this world KNOW WHY the Second Law of Thermodynamics is false.  The second law is obviously false once you know why it is false.

Some of us KNOW that the second law of thermodynamics and the Big Bang Theory are mutually exclusive.  They contradict each other.  They falsify each other.  If one of them can be demonstrated to be true, then the other one has been automatically falsified or proven false.  In science, we can prove that our theories and ideas are false by falsifying them through the many different scientific methodologies and statistical methodologies that exist.

By definition, in principle or in practice, the Big Bang represents a complete and total reversal of entropy or disorder in our part of the multiverse, or in our part of the observable universe.  The Big Bang was supposed to be Pure Syntropy.  Everywhere we look, all we see is order and organization.  We don’t observe chaos, disorder, or “entropy defined as disorder and chaos” as the second law predicts that we should see.  We don’t see an ever-encroaching gray goo coming in at us from all sides as the second law of thermodynamics predicts.  We don’t observe proton decay as the second law of thermodynamics predicts.  We don’t observe everything freezing and grinding to a halt as the second law predicts.  The second law of thermodynamics FAILS TO PREDICT what we are currently observing and experiencing throughout our universe.  That makes the second law of thermodynamics Bad Science, Failed Science, or Falsified Science.  That proves that the second law of thermodynamics is false.

The second law of thermodynamics was designed to falsify and eliminate the first law of thermodynamics; and, that’s typically how the second law is used on PBS, television, and the internet.  The first law and the second law are mutually exclusive.  They falsify each other.  They contradict each other.  If one of them can be demonstrated to be true, then the other one has automatically been falsified or proven false.  In science, we can prove that our theories and ideas are false by falsifying them through the many different scientific methodologies and statistical methodologies that exist.  We can also use demonstrable or provable theories to falsify the ones that aren’t producing any evidence to support them.

The first law of thermodynamics states that the total amount of energy in our universe is fixed or constant.  This is the Conservation of Energy.  The amount of energy in our universe cannot increase, and it cannot decrease.  In other words, energy is conserved.  Energy is a perpetual motion machine.  Energy cannot be made, and it cannot be destroyed.  Energy has always existed, and it will always exist.  Energy is eternal and everlasting.  E = mc2 works perfectly both coming and going.  It works both ways!  It works perfectly while converting energy into mass or physical matter, and it works perfectly while transforming mass or physical matter back into usable energy or exergy.  All the while the amount of energy is conserved or remains the same.  Since everything in this universe – including physical matter and photons and quantum fields – is made from energy, the first law of thermodynamics should apply to everything in this universe including thermodynamics, heat, and entropy.

Yet, the second law of thermodynamics states that the total amount of entropy in our universe is constantly increasing and that it can never decrease and go to zero.  The second law is Creation Ex Nihilo – the magical creation of something from nothing.  Not only do they turn this mystical, magical, supernatural stuff that they call “entropy” into a conserved substance through the second law, they also make this invisible supernatural stuff capable of constantly increasing in amount out of thin air from nothing.  The second law of thermodynamics is magic or Creation Ex Nihilo.  The second law of thermodynamics violates and falsifies the first law of thermodynamics.

So, which is it?

Which one is true?  Which one has been experienced and observed?  Have we ever observed an ever-increasing amount of disorganized substance or goop coming in at us from thin air out of nothing, as the second law of thermodynamics predicts?  We should be able to observe the deterioration, rot, or the dissolution of matter if the second law were true.  Instead, we see the conservation of order and organization, thanks to the Conservation of Energy.  The physical matter stays where it is placed.  It doesn’t dissolve into thin air or turn into goo as the second law predicts.  We don’t observe proton decay!  That fact falsifies the second law of thermodynamics which predicts that it should be happening all around us right now.

In the summer of 2019, I was stunned to discover that my whole statistics book and my whole statistics class in science and physics and the scientific method FALSIFIES the second law of thermodynamics, particularly inferential statistics.  I didn’t see that one coming, let me tell you!  When I hit the chapter on correlation in my statistics class and my statistics book, that’s when the second law of thermodynamics fell apart right before my eyes.  The second law couldn’t stand in the face of truth.  The second law is demolished by the truth.  Disorder has NO correlation with heat or thermodynamics!  I couldn’t believe it at first.  The heat definition for entropy FALSIFIES the disorder definition for entropy.  They are mutually exclusive.  They falsify each other.

Likewise, the first law of thermodynamics and the second law of thermodynamics are mutually exclusive.  They contradict each other.  They falsify each other.  If one of them can be demonstrated to be true, then the other one has automatically been falsified or proven false.

So, which is it?  Which one is true, and which one is false?

Do we truly observe ever-increasing disorder and chaos all throughout our universe, or do we observe constant and conserved order and organization?  Do we observe proton decay and an ever-encroaching gray goo coming in at us from all sides seemingly by magic as the second law of thermodynamics predicts, or do we observe constant and conserved order and organization when we look through our telescopes and microscopes at our universe?  Do we see conservation of energy or are we witnessing the destruction of the protons and quantum fields?  Do the planets, stars, and galaxies continue to revolve around their orbits, or is everything coming to a screeching halt as the second law predicts?  Do we observe the first law of thermodynamics, or do we observe ever-increasing chaos as the second law predicts?

The one that we actually experience and observe is the one that’s actually real and true.

So, which is it?

Which one is true, and which one has been falsified?

The answer is obvious.

You would have to destroy the Conservation of Energy in order to make the second law of thermodynamics true.

According to Quantum Field Theory and Dark Energy, the quantum fields are where most of the energy in our part of the multiverse is currently being conserved or stored.  The proven and verified existence of the massless and entropyless quantum fields falsifies the second law of thermodynamics.  One day I finally realized that we would have to destroy the quantum fields in order to make the second law of thermodynamics true.  The second law will NEVER be true as long as the quantum fields exist.

The quantum fields are perfect order and organization.  They have no entropy, chaos, or disorder within them.  The massless and entropyless non-physical quantum fields function flawlessly at absolute zero temperature, where there is no heat.  There’s no correlation between heat and disorder!  Planets continue to revolve around neutrons stars and black holes in the complete absence of heat and light.  The order and organization remain, thanks to the perpetual motion machines that we call the quantum fields.

Syntropy is the opposite of entropy.  Syntropy is the Conservation of Energy.  The second law of thermodynamics has been presented to us as the Conservation of Entropy or the Conservation of Disorder.  Entropy represents everything that’s NOT being conserved.  In the popular vernacular, entropy has come to represent corruption, death, and chaos.  Entropy represents a lack of conservation.  Entropy is the opposite of Syntropy or Conservation.

In contrast, the quantum fields are syntropic perpetual motion machines.  The quantum fields are constantly conserved.  There is NO entropy, chaos, or disorder in the quantum fields.  The quantum fields are massless, non-physical, and transdimensional.  We physical beings can’t touch nor change the quantum fields.  We can’t destroy the quantum fields.  Ever since they were made, the quantum fields have been conserved.  Only the Gods and the Controlling Psyches within Nature could destroy the quantum fields; and, it’s the Gods working with and working through the Intelligences or Psyches in this universe who made the quantum fields in the first place.  They could destroy the quantum fields anytime they wanted to and return our part of the multiverse to the Chaos Realm from whence it originally came, but apparently, they don’t want to destroy the quantum fields because we continue to exist.

If the second law of thermodynamics were actually true, we would be currently witnessing the ongoing destruction of the quantum fields as everything around us returns to the chaos from whence it originally came.  We will NEVER have true chaos or disorder in our part of the multiverse so long as the quantum fields exist.

According to Quantum Field Theory, particles are born, and particles die.  Particles are made, and they can be unmade or disassembled as well.  The Gods and Nature’s Psyche had to design and make the quantum fields BEFORE they could make and sustain physical matter.  First things first!  The massless particles, as well as the physical atoms, ride the quantum fields.  They can’t exist in their current form without the quantum fields, according to Quantum Field Theory.  Quantum Field Theory and E = mc2 FALSIFY the second law of thermodynamics.

In the distant future, when Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory are fully accepted and truly understood, the scientists in this world will vote to replace the false and falsified second law of thermodynamics with Quantum Field Theory instead.  Quantum Field Theory actually explains how thermodynamics works.  The second law does not.

In science, we can prove that our theories and ideas are false by falsifying them through the many different observations, lived experiences, eye-witness accounts, and science experiments that we have done.  Quantum Field Theory and the verified existence of the quantum fields falsify the second law of thermodynamics.

We are not supposed to guess in science.  We are not supposed to use chance as a causal explanation in science.  We are supposed to use observation, experiences, and evidence to support our beliefs while doing science.  Yet, there’s NO data or science experiments to support the second law of thermodynamics.  We don’t observe constantly increasing disorder throughout our universe.  We don’t observe ever-increasing amounts of heat throughout our universe either.  We observe the exact opposite.  We observe constantly conserved order and organization instead.

The second law of thermodynamics is nothing but science fiction.  The second law of thermodynamics is a fictional story – a personal interpretation of philosophy – just like the theory of evolution.  Most of the falsehoods and lies within science are coming from the second law of thermodynamics and the theory of evolution.  Both of these are Creation by Disorder, Creation by Entropy, or Creation by Chance.  They are in fact Creation Ex Nihilo – the creation of something from nothing by nothing.

The fact that they are Creation by Chance automatically falsifies them according to the null hypothesis in statistics, the scientific method, and the rules of science and scientific experimentation.  Chance can’t produce a real effect.  If chance is producing a real effect, then it is no longer chance but has become causality instead.  In statistics and science, a Real Effect is an effect that the independent variable has when it produces or causes a change in the dependent variable.  In a science experiment, we manipulate an independent variable and measure its effect on a dependent variable.  Alas, we can’t use chance as an independent variable because once we start manipulating it, then it is NO LONGER chance!

Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, the Theory of Evolution, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics ARE Creation by Chance.  They ARE the Null Hypothesis, which means “caused by chance alone”.  The whole purpose of science and a science experiment is to reject the Null Hypothesis, Chance Causality, or Creation by Chance.  The whole purpose of science and science experiments is to falsify things like Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics – anything that is creation by chance, chance causality, or caused by chance alone.

The second law of thermodynamics and the theory of evolution are automatically false because they are Creation by Chance or Creation Ex Nihilo.

For over forty years of my life, I defined entropy as “disorder”.  That’s a falsified definition for entropy, and I didn’t even know it.  I’m a scientist, and I didn’t know it.

I was shocked when I first realized that the equation for heat and the heat-based equation for entropy falsify the second law of thermodynamics.  There’s absolutely NO correlation between disorder and thermodynamics.  Disorder doesn’t cause heat; and, disorder doesn’t eliminate heat.  There’s NO correlation between the two.  Disorder or chance or randomness doesn’t correlate with anything.  It certainly doesn’t correlate with thermodynamics or heat.  Heat and thermodynamics represent a high degree of order and organization to begin with; and, even when the heat dissipates back into the absolute zero temperature quantum fields from whence it originally came, the quantum fields remain as a huge monumental amount of order and organization and perfection.

The massless, heatless, and entropyless Matrix of Quantum Fields represents perfect syntropic order, even at absolute zero temperature.  The quantum fields are perpetual motion machines.  Ever since they were made, the quantum fields have been conserved.  They don’t get old, and they don’t wear out.  The quantum fields don’t need heat as a lubricant to keep them working.  The amount of heat in the system is totally irrelevant when it comes to the quantum fields.  The quantum fields function perfectly at maximum efficiency when the heat or temperature is absolute zero, and so do quantum waves or photons.

The thing that the scientists call “heat death” represents perfect order and organization, and maximum efficiency at absolute zero, when we are dealing with the quantum level or the non-physical level of existence, through the quantum fields.  The Quantum Realm is syntropic perfection.  It has nothing to do with disorder!  The massless, heatless, and entropyless Quantum Fields are perpetual motion machines.  The quantum fields are made from pure energy or pure exergy, which means that the quantum fields are constantly being conserved.  The quantum fields are syntropic.

The protons and mass were also made from pure energy or pure exergy, which means that the protons and mass are also being conserved at the quantum level because their energy is being conserved.  Nature or Nature’s Psyche made the protons and the mass in the first place, and the protons will not decay as long as Nature’s Psyche continues to conserve them.  Nature’s Psyche also made the photons, the quantum waves, and the quantum fields.  They will not dissolve or disappear into chaos until Nature’s Psyche decides to stop conserving them.  They will not dissolve or disappear until Nature’s Psyche chooses to transform them into something else.  Nature’s Psyche cannot destroy the energy, but Nature or Nature’s Psyche can transform the energy into anything that it wants it to be, anytime and anywhere that it chooses to do so; and, there’s nothing we can do to stop it or to make it happen either.

Quantum Field Theory states that particles are born, and particles die, but the underlying energy is constantly conserved.  Anything that is made isn’t fully conserved, but the energy within it is always conserved.  When the scientists in this world figure out what’s really going on and how things really work, they will vote to replace the second law of thermodynamics with Quantum Field Theory instead.  Quantum Field Theory predicts what we are observing and experiencing all around us; whereas, the second law of thermodynamics does not.  We don’t observe the ever-increasing chaos and disorder that the second law predicts.  We see what Quantum Field Theory predicts instead.  As long as the quantum fields are conserved, order and organization will be conserved.  That’s just the way it is.

All that we have ever had in our part of the multiverse, ever since God and Nature’s Psyche made the quantum fields from exergy, is syntropic and conserved and perfect order and organization at the quantum level.  The protons and quantum fields will always exist or will always be conserved as long as God and the “Controlling Psyches within Nature” continue to exist or continue to be conserved and continue to conserve the quantum fields.  It’s Nature’s Psyche who collapses the wave function; and, it’s Nature’s Psyche who makes the quantum waves and the quantum fields in the first place.  It’s the Gods who taught Nature’s Psyche how to make the quantum fields.  It’s the Gods who taught Nature’s Psyche how to organize the quantum waves and quantum fields into physical matter or mass or protons.  Each entity does its part.

The second law of thermodynamics will NEVER be true as long as the quantum fields exist.  You would have to destroy the quantum fields in order to make the second law of thermodynamics true.  You would have to destroy the protons in order to make the second law of thermodynamics true.  Even then, you wouldn’t have an ever-increasing amount of disorder or chaos as the second law of thermodynamics predicts.  You would simply have what seems to be a constant or conserved amount of chaos and disorder in our part of the multiverse if you destroyed the quantum fields.  Once you achieve true disorder or chaos, its amount doesn’t increase as the second law of thermodynamics predicts.  Its amount simply remains constant or conserved just like the first law of thermodynamics predicts.  The first law of thermodynamics predicts exactly what we experience and observe.  The second law of thermodynamics does not!

The second law of thermodynamics FAILS TO PREDICT what we experience and observe.  That means that the second law of thermodynamics is false.  That’s the way science works or is supposed to work.

The second law of thermodynamics states that the universal amount of disorder or entropy is constantly increasing and can never decrease.  Is this what we are actually experiencing and observing?

By making “disorder” synonymous with thermodynamics or heat, the second law of thermodynamics technically predicts that we should be observing an ever-increasing amount of heat while we are also observing an ever-increasing amount of chaos or disorder.  The two are supposed to be linked together as one according to the second law of thermodynamics.  Do we really observe an ever-increasing amount of disorder and heat as the second law predicts?

Let’s abandon the fiction and try to find the truth instead.

Thermodynamics is the transfer of heat from a hot reservoir to a cold reservoir, which means that “entropy defined as thermodynamics” is the transfer of heat from a hot reservoir to a cold reservoir.  Entropy defined as thermodynamics FALSIFIES entropy defined as disorder!  They are mutually exclusive.  They contradict each other.  They falsify each other.  I could NEVER find a way to reconcile them.  It’s impossible to reconcile them.  There’s absolutely NO correlation between disorder and thermodynamics!  Disorder doesn’t cause heat, and heat doesn’t cause disorder.  Disorder doesn’t make heat, and disorder doesn’t eliminate heat.  There’s NO correlation or relationship between the two!

The second law of thermodynamics defines entropy as an ever-increasing amount of disorder.  Whether the amount of disorder is increasing or decreasing, it’s irrelevant when it comes to thermodynamics.  There’s NO relationship between disorder and heat.  Heat is NOT synonymous with disorder.  They are two different things completely.  We do not observe an ever-increasing amount of heat within our universe.  We observe the exact opposite.  Entropy defined as heat FALSIFIES entropy defined as disorder.  If the second law of thermodynamics were true, then an ever-increasing amount of disorder would produce an ever-increasing amount of heat – there would be both substances coming at us out of thin air from nothing, if the second law of thermodynamics were true, and if disorder were synonymous with heat as the second law predicts.

The second law of thermodynamics has the amount of disorder in our universe constantly increasing, yet we clearly and conclusively observe that the amount of heat or thermodynamics in our universe is NOT constantly increasing.  The two ideas are mutually exclusive.  They falsify each other.  They oppose each other!  We don’t observe an ever-increasing amount of heat, or disorder, in our universe.  We don’t observe the second law of thermodynamics in our universe.  We ONLY observe the conservation of order and organization.

The one that we experience and observe is the one that’s real and true.

In ALL of their thought experiments into entropy and thermodynamics, they ALWAYS start with a hot piston and a cold infinite reservoir as a given; and then, they put the hot system into contact with the cold system so that there can be some entropy or a transfer of heat from the hot system to the cold system.  The thermodynamics version of entropy is a “transfer of heat” from a hot system to a cold system.  NO hot system, then NO entropy.  It’s that simple.  They NEVER once realize that a massive reversal of disorder or a huge “reversal of entropy” took place, in order to produce the hot system or the hot reservoir in the first place.  They simply start with the hot piston as an entropyless given, and then they go on from there in order to make the thing produce some entropy.  Their hot reservoir or hot piston is produced by magic out of thin air from nothing for free as a given, so that they can then have a transfer of heat (entropy) taking place from the hot system to the cold system.

They cheat!  It’s a kludge.  It’s a scam.  It’s magic.  It’s sleight-of-hand.  They are robbing from Peter to pay Paul.  It’s creation from nothing.  The second law of thermodynamics is Atheism or Creation Ex Nihilo.  It’s magic.

They always produce the hot reservoir out of thin air from nothing so that they can then have some entropy or the transfer of heat from that hot reservoir into their pre-given cold reservoir.  They cheat.  The second law of thermodynamics is superstition.  The second law of thermodynamics is Creation Ex Nihilo.  The second law of thermodynamics is Creation by Entropy, or Creation by Disorder, or Creation from Nothing, or Creation by Chance.  They produce the hot reservoir for free from nothing so that they can then have some entropy or a transfer of heat from that hot reservoir into their pre-given cold reservoir.  The whole thing is nothing but a thought experiment.  It has absolutely nothing to do with what we actually experience and observe.  The second law of thermodynamics has absolutely nothing to do with thermodynamics.  The second law of thermodynamics has nothing to do with reality.

Someday in the distant future, when the scientists in our world finally figure out how things really work and figure what’s really going on in Nature and our Universe, they will vote to replace the falsified second law of thermodynamics with Quantum Field Theory instead.  The quantum fields are used by Nature’s Psyche to produce mass, heat, and thermodynamics.  The quantum fields are used by Nature’s Psyche to produce resistance to acceleration or mass’s heat storage capacity.  The quantum fields are also used by Nature’s Psyche to produce massless, heatless, chargeless, and entropyless quantum waves or photons.  Quantum Field Theory actually matches with what we experience and observe in Nature and in our Universe.  Quantum Field Theory explains how thermodynamics works.  The second law of thermodynamics does not.  Quantum Field Theory is the perfect replacement for the falsified second law of thermodynamics.

The first law of thermodynamics FALSIFIES the second law of thermodynamics.  The second law is Creation by Chance.  The second law is the Null Hypothesis.  The second law is caused by chance alone, and that fact FALSIFIES the second law of thermodynamics.  The Conservation of Energy FALSIFIES the conservation of disorder and the conservation of entropy.  The verified and proven existence of the perpetual motion machines that we call the Quantum Fields FALSIFIES the second law of thermodynamics.  Quantum Field Theory FALSIFIES the second law of thermodynamics.  The Big Bang Theory FALSIFIES the second law of thermodynamics.  ALL of the conserved Syntropy, Order, and Organization that we constantly observe FALSIFIES the second law of thermodynamics.  The fact that we exist FALSIFIES the second law of thermodynamics.  The fact that the equation for heat and the heat-based equation for entropy, or the thermodynamics definition for entropy, has absolutely nothing to do with chaos or disorder FALSIFIES the second law of thermodynamics.  The heat-based equations for entropy FALSIFY the second law of thermodynamics.  There is NO correlation between disorder and heat.  Heat doesn’t cause disorder, and disorder doesn’t cause heat.  The observable fact that there is no correlation between disorder and thermodynamics FALSIFIES the second law of thermodynamics.

The whole of modern-day Science FALSIFIES the second law of thermodynamics.

So, which one is true, and which one is false?

The Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists will assure you that the second law of thermodynamics is true and that the Conservation of Energy, Quantum Field Theory, the Big Bang Theory, and the First Law of Thermodynamics ARE FALSE.

Are they right?  Or have they gotten something wrong?

Which one has actually been experienced and observed?  Which one predicts what we currently see throughout our universe?

If you figure out which one has been experienced and observed, then you will KNOW which one is real and true.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics is Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, Creation Ex Nihilo, and Creation by Chance.

The very fact that these things are Creation by Chance or “caused by chance alone” automatically falsifies them according to the null hypothesis in statistics, the scientific method, and the rules for doing science and running science experiments.

There’s another crucial thing that falsifies these false religions or false philosophies.

Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives such as Darwinism and Atheism claim that the non-physical does not exist.  Therefore, the proven and verified existence of anything non-physical falsifies them.  The massless, heatless, entropyless, and non-physical perpetual motion machines that we call the Quantum Fields falsify Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives which state that these non-physical Quantum Fields do not exist.  The second law of thermodynamics is part of this materialistic and atheistic package.  The second law is based upon the non-existence of the non-physical.  The second law is a materialistic and atheistic philosophy.  Quantum Field Theory falsifies the second law of thermodynamics, and Quantum Field Theory is the perfect replacement for the falsified second law of thermodynamics.

The massless, heatless, chargeless, and entropyless quantum waves or photons falsify Materialism and Naturalism which claim that the quantum waves or the photons don’t exist.  Gravity, magnetism, dark matter or spirit matter, dark energy, quantum consciousness, thoughts, intelligence, psyche, space, time, microwaves, radio waves, x-rays, forces, fields, and quantum waves falsify Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism which claim that these non-physical or immaterial things do not exist.

Ask yourself which one has been experienced and observed?

Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives such as Darwinism and Atheism claim that gravity, magnetism, microwaves, radio waves, quantum waves, energy, and photons do not exist.  Has the non-existence of these non-physical and immaterial things actually been experienced and observed?  If the non-existence of these non-physical things has actually been experienced and observed, then we KNOW that Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism are true.

The second law of thermodynamics is false because it is Creation by Chance and because it is Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism (Creation by Chance), and Atheism (Creation Ex Nihilo).  The fact that the second law of thermodynamics is a part of these falsified religions or falsified philosophies automatically falsifies the second law of thermodynamics.  It’s that simple.

My biggest blunder as a scientist took place when I chose to trust and believe the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists.  I thought these people knew what they were talking about.  I thought they were smart.  I was wrong.  These people don’t have a clue when it comes to the Non-Physical Realm, the Transdimensional Realm, the Energy Realm, or the Quantum Realm; and, they hide their ignorance through censorship, ridicule, intimidation, peer review, tenure, and posturing.  These people ban and delete the truth from existence whenever they encounter it.

Whenever we encounter the mutually exclusive, the one that has been experienced and observed repeatedly and constantly is in fact the one that’s real and truly exists.  The second law of thermodynamics will NEVER be true as long as the Quantum Fields exist.  You would literally have to destroy the Quantum Fields in order to make the second law of thermodynamics true.  Good luck with that!  The quantum fields are constantly being experienced and observed.

Likewise, you would have to prove the non-existence of the photons and the non-existence of the quantum fields in order to prove that Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism are true.  The massless, heatless, chargeless, and entropyless photons are quantum waves, and those quantum waves ride the quantum fields at any speed that they choose.  Quantum waves can quantum tunnel or teleport, if they choose to do so.  Quantum waves and photons are capable of infinite acceleration – they can go from zero to the speed-of-light instantly.  That’s infinite acceleration.  The proven and verified existence of these things falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism which claim that these non-physical things do not exist.

The one that has been experienced and observed is the one that is real and truly exists!

So, which is it?

Have we experienced the non-existence of space, time, photons, gravity, radio waves, microwaves, x-rays, magnetism, energy, thoughts, and quantum waves as Materialism and Naturalism predict; or, have we experienced the exact opposite?

Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives such as Darwinism and Atheism claim that the non-physical does not exist; and, they claim that everything in this universe was created by chance.  You would have to prove that space and time don’t exist in order to prove that Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism are true.  Likewise, you would also have to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that chance can design and create at will, in order to prove that the second law of thermodynamics, the theory of evolution, and Naturalism are real and true.  Again, good luck with that!  All of the evidence we have on hand and everything that has ever been experienced and observed falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives which claim that these non-physical things do not exist.

The false is falsified by the truth, and the truth is repeatedly and constantly observed.  It’s self-deception, pure and simple, to conclude that Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism (Creation by Chance), Nihilism, and Atheism (Creation Ex Nihilo) are true.  It’s self-deception to conclude that the second law of thermodynamics, or creation by entropy, or creation ex nihilo is true.  It’s self-deception to conclude that Creation by Chance is true.  They can’t be true because ALL of the evidence that we have on hand falsifies them!  That’s what science is supposed to do – falsify the things that are false.  That’s what scientists are supposed to do – falsify the things that are false.  And, that’s precisely what I have done here, which makes me a scientist.

Anything that was made FALSIFIES the second law of thermodynamics, which claims that everything came into existence by chance alone.

Everything falsifies the second law of thermodynamics.  Everything!  The very fact that you exist and are reading this right now FALSIFIES the second law of thermodynamics, which predicts that you shouldn’t be here and predicts that you shouldn’t exist.  Your very existence as well as the existence of the planets, stars, and genomes is scientific proof that the second law of thermodynamics is false.  The disorder in this universe is NOT constantly increasing as the second law predicts.  The protons are NOT decaying as the second law predicts.  Instead, we experience and observe conserved order and organization.  All of the order and organization that surrounds us and permeates us FALSIFIES the second law of thermodynamics, which predicts or claims that it shouldn’t exist.  That which is experienced and observed is real and true, especially when all of us are experiencing it and observing it and living it for ourselves.

Mark My Words


I wrote three books in which I spent a great deal of time falsifying the second law of thermodynamics and finding some true theories and ideas to take its place.


Syntropy in Defense of Quantum Mechanics: The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything



Quantum Mechanics: From a Non-Physical Spiritual Perspective



Science 2.0: I Upgraded My Science
